Stormserpent Set and the other Pierce>Lightning Possibilities

Hi, while I was theorycrafting and thinking what can I do with my existing but unsatisfactorily builds like trickster. This is what I came up with. Though it is also not good enough. Even on paper it seems lack a lot of damage, no good physical resist nor armor and even my efforts low DA than expected.

Now let’s start.

What this set needs to be used more? Even atleast for it’s fun? Yes I fully converted pierce to lightning but is it enough? Set provides good SS points but to accomplish an SS build, need some acid and vitality>lightning. It maybe combined with CD PS and become a hit & run. It can also have more phys>lightning conversion.

There is no good green melee lightning weapon which can suit such a build like this.

Set lacks RR. Set bonus skill’s flat RR can be improved for example.

Set lacks flat cold damage even though there is a good amount of %multiplier for the damage type. With some more points to Night’s Chill and some flat cold those multipliers might become useful rather than just for Execution.

Build needs more skill points. And We can’t get +1 skill points gear because all important slots are occupied with the set.;

I’m not expecting a top tier build obviously but even for an absurd build, it should have atleast one good quality atleast to be played. I just wanted share my thoughts and get your opinions about the matter. If there is enough support maybe Devs react accordingly and pierce>lightning builds might become something real.


This did actually just get extra flat on two pieces in the patch. I kept trying to shoehorn it into a savagery gun build but ran into gun support issues as well. But the skills is a killer, since as you mentioned it takes up 2 of the usual +1 skill options to just dump points into single skills.

I would also like it to be true lightning/cold split as well but pierce to cold seems like one of those “oops broken build” conversions that pops up.

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Worth noting on Shadow Strike with it that there’s a Conduit for 100% Acid->Lightning and Pierce->Lightning conversion that’ll likely work better. You can also use 1-2 Spark of Ultos for 50/100% Cold->Lightning conversion. I say 1-2 because subbing 1 Spark for a Stormrend optionally allows you to work Primal Strike in as a secondary cooldown nuke.

Probably subpar in practice but I’m just pointing out further options for the concept that exist that you haven’t mentioned.

Agreed as well on the low RR. I haven’t tested it so say if damage is low but it doesn’t look spectacular. I think it might warrant a small bump of 10-15% somewhere.

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Oh yes, I forgot that conduit, thanks for reminding. But with %75 on average pierce>lightning conversion half of the conduit is going to be wasted. If they change it or add it vit>lightning then it became a very good source of Electrocute DoT. Btw without flat cold damage conversion from ultos is no big deal.
And I think such build work better with something like that;

more RR with Rune of Elgoloth, health regen and PB-Dryad based hit & run. Not sure how will perform though but looks promising.

Looking over it now, you don’t have enough points for Lethal Assault so you’re right that Spark of Ultos won’t mean much. Even if the set got Vitality->Lightning conversion, I’m sceptical on Nightfall’s worth as well for the same reason - Stormserpent in general is starved on points as you don’t get any +1 masteries from the headgear or belt, this needs to be addressed first and foremost.

Giving it a +1 to Nightblade/Demolitionist/Shaman on the full set bonus would be a huge help.

Definitely and maybe they create a shoulder for the set and made it a 4 pieced epic set so stats can be added/distributed without appearing too much on each slot.

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