Strange Story Line

So as the story goes, we have to first run to the northeast and secure the town of Burwitch and get rid of this Warden guy. We have to run through a land of lush forests and pristine rivers to arrive at a fertile farming community that has been overrun with zombies. Ok so we want our town back, sounds well and good enough.

However, immediately after reconquering this fertile farming community in a land of pristine rivers and lush forests, the most pressing and immediate concern on the plate is SECURING FOOD. If that wasn’t bizarre enough considering you just took hold of a gorram verifiable Garden of matter fracking Eden, in order to secure this much needed food (and soon because we are on the verge of starvation) it is imperative that we now trek across and secure the hellishly barren and mountainous wasteland to the north west.

Who made this decision? Taking out the gang and looking for Elsie or whoever and getting drawn deeper into the Atheral plot in the process was enough, why the bizarre need to stretch the food plot out across half the game in a most silly and unrealistic manner? The story doesn’t need to be groundbreaking but it should make sense and reflect what is right there in front of us on the map. Someone fell asleep on this one.

I’m fairly sure the player’s actions make the land safer, not safe…

Plus, it’s a game.

Sorry, but I’m missing something here…What farmlands, in case you haven’t noticed there’s NO farms or people alive to farm on the way to Burrwitch…The farms and the farmers happen to be at Homestead…which is no-where near Devils crossing and is why you have to then get food for Devils Crossing

Who on earth is there in DC that can suddenly go out into this mob infested areas and start a farm…when there’s NO farms to begin with ??

I saw some gardens and fields in Burrwitch, they called “Moldering fields”…

Even if this were true (which it isn’t) those ‘lush forests’ and ‘pristine rivers’ are crawling with monsters. Not the Aetherial kind, granted, but Grobles, Spiders, Slith, and Dranghoul. Devil’s Crossing doesn’t have the manpower to A) station people on a farm, and B) guard those farmers.

When you arrive at Homestead, the situation is much the same - the farms have been overrun by Dermapterans. However, once the player wipes out the main reproductive source of the Dermapterans, the Black Legion is capable of defending the farmers from the middling dangers that remain.

War and survival are never simple.

Looks like all those people you’ve been sending to the prison need to get their rear ends to work. As for the undead, technically you “cleared” it, your guy/gal says so many times.

Ok so maybe its a lot of swamp, but also some lush ass forest in the burrwitch outskits, and i guarantee there is food in that swamp. Fish, crawdads, deer, probably some wild berries. Its a zombie apocalypse, time to start thinking outside the box.

And moldering means decaying from neglect, not fallow or poisoned or cursed.

It can be very well cursed and poisoned. In case you didn’t notice, one of the earlier DC quests require to clear a pump poisoned by Sliths. The same sliths who are all over the place on the way to Burrwitch.

Yes, but it takes time to plant the food and grow it, many months in fact. Meanwhile Devil’s Crossing could well starve so you’re sent out to seek help from Homestead by getting them to send some of their food to DC. Makes perfect sense.

Again, all answers lie with Ulgrim. I swear that guy is the Titan we keep chasing in all Quests.

I believe you’ll find that your char never claims to have cleared the countryside…it’s the riftgates that are cleared from Aetherial control, not the entire world around them :wink:

On a different note, did everyone notice how inquisitor Creed’s character is comically echoing Tyrael from Diablo 3 (among dozens of other references and parallels to Diablo universe)? Not sure if it’s intentional and developers had a chuckle while writing him into the game or coincidence, but he is a religious dark-skinned bald dude with a sword who gets captured in act 1 and is not really helping much throughout the remainder of acts.

Tyrael is basically the only character I miss from D3. He’s basically Superman, but less bad. He’s not randomly better than everyone and still gets beat somehow, he’s just strong. He’s not allergic to a ROCK. He’s not stupidly over-the-top pure, just a good guy who actually realizes that some people/creatures won’t reform, so kill them.

Plus, he always looks awesome. If there’s one good thing left to say about Blizzard, it’s that their cutscenes and indeed their graphics overall, are really awesome.

Nice observation

Still Creed isn’t the butchered version of a classical character who was humanized for no apparent reason

And Creed isn’t completely useless he atleast escapes the Warden himself a threat he had never faced before and he and Ulgrim are the main brains behind the Black Legion’s tactics
No to mention he is the reason Anasteria is alive.
Although I’d love for his character to add more to story

What did Tyrael do? Rip his nuts off?

Wat. :confused:

Creed broke himself out. He’s not black. He’s definitely not religious. And I’m pretty sure he’s not an angel. :stuck_out_tongue:

I said “dark-skinned” :stuck_out_tongue:

How is he not religious, he is the “inqusitor”?

Anyway, was a small observation by me, just a slight resemblance in my opinion, that’s all

-Actually Tyrael isn’t an angel either, not to an average Diablo fan atleast. He’s useless dweeb who has no business being in the plot anymore:)

-Creed looks dark-skinned, how isn’t he religious- i thought the Luminari Order were servants of Menhir/Empyrion?

-And yeah I mentioned this above as well, Creed escaped from an enemy he had never faced before. He definitely has some tricks up his sleeve.

-Although hats off the to the person who wrote Ulgrim-

I rose to leave but was quite startled to see that a shadowy figure had somehow silently breached my room, evading all of the wards set against intruders. This is how I came into cooperation with the First Blade.

Fucking Badass :cool:

Maybe Medierra will disagree with me on this as he gets ultimate say, but I never pictured the Luminari as religious servants, more scientific ones as they research forbidden magic/artifacts and hunt down inhuman threats to the empire.

Sure, members may be faithful to a temple and relish the thought of exterminating heretics, but I always pictured Creed as a rational inquisitor rather than a superstitious one, which is why he is for example more willing to take a risk with a certain Anasteria.

Interesting perspective

It certainly helps distinguishing Luminari from Paladins of Zakarum.

I think religious in this context has the same level of value as faithful. Creed follows Menhir, he is a stoic inquisitor. He is religious.
However, he is not fanatic. He spared Anasteria and protected her. There is a fundamental difference.

I never got Tyrael’s vibes from him, though. I think the entire Diablo 3 story is heresy and should be purged with the highest prejudice.

Also, once again, continuing the point of fertile farmlands… why would we just not rebuild them then?
The illogical argument can be applied to Homestead - how do they supply Crossing with food, considering how fucking dangerous the road to it is?