Haha, I just had that one as well half an hour ago
I think it happens when you break something and then it forgets to make it passable. Though I don’t remember what you have to break here
Haha might need to move on from the habit of destroying barrels etc in case they drop notes or special items (like Stormheart) then
Well I’m just pointing it out to let Crate know, in case they want to fix it.
It’s some barrier thing and definitely a bug.
I think destroying barrels should be ‘safe’.
Had that issue in warden cellar recently
Started new character and can confirm there’s invisible wall in that spot now, doesn’t go away after rotating camera or using riftgate to town and back, like it usually does for bugged collision walls left after destroying crumbling walls and such. Basically, this route is a dead end now, it seems
Thanks for the report. Apparently this one has been lurking since we released Ashes of Malmouth. lol
A fix for this will be included in a future patch.