Stun Jacks - finally get rid of the physical damage?

There is 0 support for physical SJ and beronath reforge makes more sense if the skill was pure lightning anyway.

Even if this is rejected could more of the physical damage be shifted into lightning please. It is irritating when levelling and the skill could use a boost on this front (phys to lightning options are very poor at lower levels).

can’t the same argument be applied to like any skill that has elemental + physical/pierce damage?

Rune of Kalastor
Rune of Haggarad
Mortar trap
Wind devil

I can only comment on what I have played. Many skills have some kind of partial conversion support from MI, and it makes sense for a skill that can be spammed to get some. It really hurts to have that much damage going unused.

Phantasmal blades is an equivalent shotgun skill that gets conversion on transmuter but quick jacks gets none.

I’ve never played mortar trap so I can’t comment how it is to level. I guess for this skill it is also a significant difference the moment you can wear 100% conversion.

People complained about RoH nerf a lot already, but the pierce damage was never an issue because the skill dealt great damage. Even post nerf RoH deals a fair bit more than SJ does…

Wind devil is not a spam or shotgun skill so the flat physical values are not nearly as relevant to dps. It has maelstrom+raging tempest as alternatives for levelling and is decent without the end game conversion. True that no one plays physical but conversion is not as vital for levelling as SJ.

I’ve never levelled with RoK, but I’ve seen people ask for buff in other threads. This skill actually has end game physical and pierce possibilities from octavius and conduit so it makes sense to keep it. The damage values do look rather underwhelming to me so giving an MI with some conversion would be nice for levelling.

Physical on jacks is awkward,but is sadly common thing about a lot of casting spells.

I would rather see them change the quick jacks transmuter tbh. It is probably one of the weirdest transmuters in the game right now and feels like a relic from pre release Grim Dawn. Why can’t stun jacks just have 100% cdr for one point like phantasmal blades (same for discord transmuter needing 3 points to fully convert cadence to elemental)?

Edit: maybe in order to make stun jacks feel better while lvling add physical to lightning conversion to stun jacks to overseers eye, stormstrifes or korvaak’s storm blade.

Kalastorm and Hagrid already have lots of options for multiple different types of conversion. Wind Devil has a decent amount to now. Mortar Trap admittedly has very little but at least it’s one source of conversion is just a medal. IIRC only 100 phys to lightning to stun jacks is on a full light’s defender set. There is also full cold which requires harra’s full set, at least if you want the full conversion. Not that these aren’t good sets, there’s just a lack of options especially for levelling as OP mentioned.
EDIT: Nevermind, there is one on wyrmbone mask to. So that makes 2.

You do get 100% CDR from one point. The other two points increase damage for increased cost. Not everyone can afford to spam it at 75% of cost instead of 30% for 30% of damage instead of 50%.

From what i gathered, making so that the SJ transmuter only requires one point would cause the character to lose two skill points if the transmuter had three points in it prior to this change. Those two skills points would disappear into the ether and that character would never be able to get them back.

Really?I think since you will use one point only for the transmuter,you will have the two points back unspent.