Stupid variol spread

I don’t know what have changed since last update, but among other annoying things, is the random and uncontrolable spread of diseases.

I’ve got variol spreading along my 900 people city, every house has access to soap and is visited regularly by the poop guy. They have plenty of water and food to be in good shape, but in like 1 year 90 peoples got the stupid variol and it keep spreading like wildfire.

Any idea why the game does this? Or any tip to fix it?

That’s smallpox for you. In places where it wasn’t endemic, (and people would have gotten it a few at a time) it regularly killed 30% of the population if an outbreak happened. There are very good reasons we worked so hard to eradicate it IRL. (However, I’m not sure Farthest Frontier villagers develop immunity to it the way they would have historically.) And as the tooltip notes, there’s no cure beyond hanging on and hoping for the best.

Smallpox was so dangerous that people would sometimes accept a 2% chance of dying right now over that possibility of getting sick in the future and having a 25-30% chance of dying then:

In-game, people who are sick with smallpox go to a healer’s hut or hospital and quarantine, at which point they will no longer risk getting anyone else sick. The challenge is getting them there before they cause a superspreader event, and that’s absolutely down to luck.

aka covid, see same response in real life.

Imagine covid but 10-15x more lethal and you’ll die vomiting.