Suggested 3rd mastery for our favo irems

Decided to make a new thread for this. Curious to what mastery would fit your favourite item.

Pending Zantai’s confirmation - what would be your favourite set or legendary to make a return mythic style, and which additional mastery would it then support?

A few from my side:
Dawnbreaker + Demo
Necromancer’s Deathgrips + Necro :wink: (I think this one will be obviously included)
Wraithwalkers + Necro & Nightblade
Wildblood + Necro
Bane of the Winter King + Necro (and making the thing a real set)
Band of the Eternal Haunt + Necro
Exonerator + Inq
Brutallax + Soldier
Justicar Armor + Shaman
Demon Slayer’s + Soldier + Inq
Deathmark + Necro
Light’s Defender + soldier
Bloodrager + Nightblade
Chausses of Barbaros + Shaman + Soldier
Valdun + Occulist

Blood orb of Cthon + Arcanist + Demolitionist
Essence of Gim Dawn +3 to one Necromancer Skill
Guillotine + Nightblade

Arcanum Sigilis + Inquisitor = Incredibly likely (I hope)

The Alkamos stuff, Necro and Arcanist.
Notched Bone? Necromancer, obviously. God, imagine Gabby with a Mythical Notched Bone. Ow.