Since EoR needs to have hands-free RR application, I am suggesting that the Temporal Arcblade be changed to include -20% Aether Resistance Reduction to Summon Guardians of Empyrion. There are few options available to a Templar such as this where you are hamstrung into using up your Head/Amulet/Rings slots in order to convert 100% Physical/100% Fire/up to 90% Lightning to Aether Damage on EoR.
The build above only gets -68% Aether Resist at a maximum, so an additional -20% would not break the bank. Yes, you can use a Band of Eternal Haunt, but that proc is horrible with a 6 sec CD. Using that ring drops Elemental conversion and hurts damage output overall.
The EoR damage in this build is okay for most enemies. Trash is no problem and most Heroes are not an issue, but bosses can be trouble, particularly high Aether Resist bosses in the campaign.
While we’re at it, perhaps there should be a modifier on the Arcblade that converts 100% Physical to Aether Damage on Blade Arc? Would something like a BA spam Aether Battlemage then be feasible? Add in Krieg’s set, Magelord rings and just slash away! I know Battlemages are not popular, so maybe that might open up another build…
I’m in agreement, although the dps tooltip can be misleading at times (from what I read), the damage numbers of the Aether EoR templar is a long way behind fire Warlord EoR variants I’ve tried (sorry if I keep repeating myself).
That coupled with the fairly low RR numbers and lack of options to improve it in the templar build, I’d like to see additional aether RR on the blade and the skill change would be super nice although that might be a much bigger change to the game. (the end bosses in Port Valbury are a slog to kill, i get dizzy just watching my character spin for so long!)
Not sure what Mr Zantai would think, but Crate obviously wanted to us to play EoR damage variants when the arc blade was changed for FG and the new fx came in.
Therefore I don’t think an extra -20% would make this anywhere near overpowered. It’s far from God Tier material, it’s somewhere in the middle of the pack.
I’m not sure crate would be on board with making one item have such a powerful proc and giving it skill modifiers if past items are anything to go off of. I would much rather it keep it’s proc (which does awesome dps on its own)
I do agree that aether Templar should be a combo that gets some more support… But I think a new set might be the best place for that. Maybe something that leaves the amulet and helm open… maybe gloves, medal, chest, shoulder
I disagree. Crate should stick to fire for Templar. If they try to make aether work it’s gonna need as much effort as battlemage and even then there’s a very very big chance binder/oppressor overtakes it in that build it’s supposed to do. It could happen but I’m afraid it’s going to cost too much resources that could be dedicated to other classes/builds.
I’d rather have it be physical spellscourge templar
that would make bama the inferior choice with warlord and templar as options, much like warlock is inferior to spellbinder or even cabalist on clairvoyant