[Suggestion] Add some AoE to Chaos version of spam Doom Bolt

pretty much the title.
while vitality version of spam DB has these two items, that add some minor but still aoE to it,

chaos version has none of it.
so I suggest adding +2 meters target area to DB to, say, Bloodsword Repeater which is also the only weapon to fully convert DB to chaos.


I would like to remove increased radius from everywhere, but make a specialized DB item with Covenant Crown by adding +all damage, -cd and +AoE to Doom Bolt

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I think Covenant helmet definitely deserves a radius mod.

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Yes, that sounds even better cuz lightning/fire db would also get a buff.

Maybe remove % vitality damage and add +/- 200% all damage to the scepter and reduce the % Aether damage.
But i see that the lightning DB has problems with it, because you need the MI item.

I have an Acid DB Sentinel that works fine with all the items, but a little bit more dmg would be good, because i dont have acid damage on each item.


Leave aether Doom Bolt alone. Clairvoyant Spellbinder already gets everything else nice. Let the Warlocks have this.

I suggest removes all shitty increasement of doombolt radius on items and transfers this in base skill


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