[Suggestion] Beacon of the Winter's Veil can use some love

I was checking the weapons I never used to theorycraft something different and gazed on this mace. Searched a bit but couldn’t find any build with it, then contemplated a bit but no, I couldn’t fit this weapon to any build (except this OFF build Spellbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator). And interestingly, this weapon looks like a melee one rather than caster.

The Spellbreaker above looks nice, since it’s not my style I didn’t test it but looks good on paper so let’s leave that part to more interesting(and talented) players.

When you wear full mageslayer set and this weapon, most of the key slots are filled so combinging it with cold RF is not possible and as I said, this mace looks like a melee weapon. What’s my suggestion?

This; add some attack speed to it and add a physical>cold RF mod to it. (Maybe even diminish the gap between the min base and max base damage.) Why? Well, you can combine this weapon, mageslayer set and wradlih shield and use it on a Templar, where S&B setup would make some sense.

OR; to create a completely different support than OFF, add a Cold Judgment modifier to it to be combined with new conduit(instead of RF support). Maybe it can be combined with VoS to create some cold aura building idk. Add some weapon damage and -0,5 cdr it should be enough.


I did made a topic about this weapon (and Templar in particular) a few months ago, because this weapon looked too weird for me as well. yoink

But seeing how it didn’t receive any improvements or changes whatsoever makes me think that… Zantai is satisfied with this weapon? I know, I know, not everything must be cutting edge, but it’s cold RF Templar we are talking about, so how cutting edge can it be anyway? Instead it has an extremely redundant OFF mod and skill points to RoH, as if both skills didn’t have enough support as it is. In fact, I think it’s the worst weapon in the entire game as of right now. It has no identity at all; it’s as generic as it ever gets.

So yes, please make it a Templar weapon. A decent one, at that!

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As a huge fan of this weapon, I always wanted to do a build using this item. I actually theorycrafted a meme S&B Cold EoR Dervish, focused on getting “things” (hammers, orbs, etc…) revolving around the character. Nevertheless, I never leveled this toon.

I definitely concur with what both of you are saying. IMO, this weapon is lacking some serious offensive capacity. Both skill mods are not convincing.

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