Suggestion: Cabalist Summoning Stone

Purpose: Add flavor to Skeleton pet casters and archers.
Proposal: Add augment (not unlike Tainted Flame in inquisitor) that converts fire skeletons to vitality skeletons.

Stats (need to be balanced or reviewed by community and devs)
Convert 100% Fire (from skeleton mage) to Vitality damage
Convert 100% Physical (from skeleton archer/warrior) to Chaos

[not mentioned in tool tip: Convert fire glow and fire spells into the vitality pink]

Another possible suggestion to support this build
Solael Soul Bond (aura? augment? trade?)
Share %(?) of {self damage percentage increase} with pets

Purpose: To allow armor piece without %pet damage to indirectly buff pet damage. Example: Item Glove: Increase vitality damage by x%. (Solael Soul Bond) > Shares vitality damage % with pets. This could open up a hybrid Cabalist Vitality caster pet build


I think the first proposal is a “zero-calorie” improvement to Cabalist. The second proposal is not quite thought out and would need to be tested, if even possible, with current engine.

Disclaimer: From a guy that plays purifier (86) and sentinel (57). This is a plug for my spouse’s character.