[Suggestion] Chaos Sabo could definitely use some love

There isn’t a fundamental difference between the two and if you gave them the exact same output, they would leech exactly the same amount.

It comes down to math resulting from different % Weapon damage scaling versus flat damage scaling, different amplification of WPS, % Explosive Strike not interacting with WPS. Or apparently mechanics working wtf as it’s called.

And before someone comes in that I’m just shutting this down cause the players TESTED IT and what do I know, I went ahead and normalized everything in a test environment, which is something anyone can do with the mod tools.


  • used the same weapon with no damage range
  • a fixed amount of leech
  • set the damage on both Fire Strike and Savagery (the same as Righteous Fervor on the back-end) to be equal, but left the Savagery charges intact so I could also test the variability with charges
  • set my Health Regen and Constitution to 0
  • took some damage
  • attacked a monster with no Life Leech Resist

The results were, shockingly, consistent with what I said above. There is no mechanical difference in life leech between the two.


Have you considered/tried Bart’s Warmaul for the AoE to Fire Strike as well out of curiosity?

Could you please clarify, how Static Strike and Brimstone works with WPS and lifeleech?
Edit: Explosive strike as well

No, actually, AoE is solid with Shar’Zul proc and fire devotions. Low lifeleech was the problem. One more thins - it was before cornucopia of greens patch, so it was hard to obtain decent Warmaul

Yes but one can make an educated guess depending on the Static Strike, Brimstone and other FS modifiers will increase the base single attack with FS in game even though grimtools weapon damage looks low. If the skill line had not such flat damages then you’re right but it’s kinda obvious here.

35-69 flat chaos from modifiers + 170 Fire flat will be converted to chaos from line plus 113-148 chaos flat from brimstone and plus Static Strike’s flat lightning will be converted. If you’re saying some of these flat damage won’t be counting when you lifesteal then well it’s controversial and I’ll thank if Z explains it, but either way they’ll all increase the FS single hit damage in tooltip.

And I never had lifesteal problem with DW FS except Cold Sorcerer with 2x Chillhearts and 2H section. Which I believe FS has very low weapon damage for 2H weapons and Fire 2H weapons are kinda suck.

They don’t. Because the damage on them doesn’t directly add to your weapon. It’s secondary damage that is dealt as is. Think of it like the damage on AAR. The only way you would see Fire Strike use Static Strike or Brimstone’s damage for leech is if Fire Strike had a modifier for ADCtH baked into it again like AAR and Pulsing Shard/Essence of the Grim Dawn.

As for how the damage works with WPS. It just gets added to any non-weapon damage on whatever WPS procs. Like the Cold damage/health reduction on Execution or the Physical/Fire damage on Smite.

Edit: Important note on WPS as well. This non-weapon damage is applied on every projectile or attack made in a WPS. Which is why Purifiers were found to be so crazily strong in Ashes of Malmouth. Because proccing Storm Spread or Jaxxon’s ring means you’re firing out all of this damage 4 or 8 times each. Similar situation for Retaliation and RF as well as you know.

It’s in the same boat as why DW on EoR reaches as much damage as it does. Because you’re applying the non-weapon damage several times a second and care less about the weapon damage if you can’t stack a lot of it/your skill has poor flat damage scaling.

Flat damage would scale with any leech applied from your weapon damage. as Fire Strike has over 100% by default, you would always get the full impact of leech.

Explosive Strike is a secondary effect that creates an explosion around your target. As it does have % Weapon damage, any damage it deals will leech proportionally to the % Weapon damage it has. Any bonuses from the base skill are not included.

Static Strike is as vanilla of a modifier as they come when it comes to calculating damage/leech.

Brimstone is a secondary effect that launches fragments at nearby enemies. It has no interaction with the base damage of Fire Strike. Each fragment only deals the damage listed on the tooltip. As it has no % Weapon damage, it does not leech.


But melee Brimstone doesn’t act like a projectile and you deal the flat damage in a single hit with all other bonusses.

This is correct.

Okay then example build. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m23mBk1Z This build maxed SS and Brimstone as long as it can and gains a big portion of damage from their flat damage add by conversion or directly.

This builds’ off-hand also has no lifesteal so it leeches more with main hand. They share a %12 together. So If Brimstone’s and Static Strike’s flat damage don’t add to the damage proportion that it leeches from; then this build should had lifeleech problems but it has not. So in this example Am I having only the illusion of great Bat’s sustain? Or the flat damage from Brimstone and Static Strike is being added to the damage pool I leech in melee FS?

Perhaps you misunderstood my explanation. Flat damage from basic modifiers is added to the base skill, so it does apply leech from the base skill’s % Weapon damage.

Brimstone is a secondary effect for ranged builds, but just a flat bonus for melee builds.

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Thanks a lot for a clear explanation. That’s should settle all the arguments about it.

Chaos Sabo could definitely use some love.



and this is the truth, right.
while cold sabo is rather good, chaos is (surprisingly) second to him …
fire one is still a complete meme and aether/lightning are non-existent.

That’s right, Fire and Lightning Nightblade variants needs more love before chaos…

I’ll die happy when Acid Sabo is viable.

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Physical sabo or go home

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Meanwhile Pierce Sabo have dedicated set, you know. Still bad…

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Oh no I have forgotten that set even existed :smiley:

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well, you’re going to live forever then!


Zantai adds -100% Acid resistance mod to Mines for a Sabo item. :scorv: