[Suggestion] Chaos Sabo could definitely use some love

I see, but still it’s quite a difference between 5 min and 80+ and 5:47-6:00 and 75-76. The former isn’t underperforming in my book, but the latter is.


It’s a book about minority of players. I believe most never reach this level.
Be proud if you achieved it with so unsupported character. Won’t it be less impressive if Crate buffs him?

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I myself can’t reach such times in crucible, usually my runs are a whole minute slower, or more. But that’s kind of the thing, 4:30 builds turn into 6 minutes in my hands while 6 minute builds turn into 7-8 minutes. If something is underpowered for that minority it isn’t exactly disconcerning for the rest.

Also, you say minority but people who build meme stuff for a SENSE OF PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT™ are very much the minority themselves. Most people just come and ask for a build that “can do all content reasonably well”. Because, surprise, people actually would rather play a build that is strong. Admittedly that wish is more aligned with deep SR tanky builds rather than crucible sportcars.

I did actually try afanas build by the way, just to be sure I’m not wrong at choosing sides this time. Result is out of 6 runs there were four deaths at 170, one death at 160 and one death at 162. Among the four deaths at 170 two were around the 6:40 timer, one at 7:10 timer and one at 8:00 timer. 5:47? What 5:47? The build is consistently a corpse 100% of the runs done.


Sabo needs to be buffed generally and it should be done through defensive skills. Faster activation of Ulzuin’s Wrath for damage reduction and it should last 5s and not 3s. Also sabo has low health generaly and even with damage reduction it is weaker because of it but I am not sure where to put it.

I am now playing DW melee aether Sabo. And my only problem is health and better damage reduction.

Life is 11k and in SR 80 you can get hit for 12.5k (and that is with 36 % phys res).


And why should Crate guarantee anybody’s survival in high shards?
Balance it all you want, but some classes will always make it farther than others.


There are no guarantees but there’s a huge difference between a build that can do high shards w/o deaths (even 85+) and a build that dies multiple times before just getting to the bossroom.

i’m no expert, but i don’t get it
why should chaos sabo be able to do SR80+ to begin with? it’s a niche approach on an already niche combo
you dislike low health, doesn’t witch hunter/other similar squishy combos have the same issue?
you complaint about low ADCtH yet the build, to me, appears very greedy, no Fang, no bat - yet someone want there to be 7%LL on Voidspire to make up for that, when the lack of leech is more of a build choice than “forced” on it?
and again, if the build, in someone’s hands, can do 5:47, why are we upset it can’t do lower?, like is it some new rule that each every build must be supported in a way where it does 5 or even 4? - what happened to “far” reaching concepts being acceptable at not clearing in spellbreaker breakneck speeds?

again i’m no expert, and i know you masters love pushing the envelope, but at what point does it become “greedy”/arrogance vs sensible/appropriate?


WH (especially rahzin one) is way tougher than sabo. 20% damage absorb, WAY more flat and % damage and ADctH, it can sacrifice some flat chaos for extra HP and doesn’t need to juggle items to get either HP or life leech (which is still low, tbh).

Voidspire gives a metric ton of flat to FS, +1 to Demo etc, it’s way too good. No bat - okay, try to squeeze it in, abd remember that I would be only half-converted when GG has innate flat chaos on proc and also provedes extra leech and AoE which is TREMENDOUSLY needed here.

It’s fine that I can pilot this build well enough to not to die but I post builds not only for myself but for others too. If a mediocre player dies consistently with it, it means sth is really wrong with build.

Crucible times are getting shorter and shorter, and, say, 5 mins runs are totally normal, as sub5 ones too.

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so niche that it has two builds on the same damage type and both are mediocre.
still waiting for all those fire sabos to come in.


and why should they be equal? builds aren’t, never has been

easy https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26moE0N

doesn’t matter, that’s greed talking, you make compromises the more you want something - maybe chaos sabo isn’t meant to both cruise Crucible and SR85 in the same format - nothing wrong with that if that was the case

not really this is true for a royal ton of the compendium builds, pilot skills matter. Just because someone can clear cruci in 4, post a build about doesn’t mean 80% of mediocre players not only wont make that time, but doesn’t even mean they will guaranteed survive to the end, pilot experience kinda helps the “worse” or glassier a build is, something many avg or mediocre players wont match up to anytime soon
(^i can attest to that personally as very mediocre pilot)

for some builds, not all, - i still find compendium builds that doesn’t clear in sub 5 - as it should be/is fine, let there be room for variance. -’ not saying chaos sabo can’t improve but a lot of the stuff mentioned here just seems plain greedy
yea lets remove pierce on rah zin solely to give chaos sabo more ele conversion, despite already having full conversion on firestrike and execution etc etc


the talk was about similar issues and when WH can easily overcome them, sabo fails. Doesn’t seem like sabo needs some help?

there was a conversation already about building different calcs for SR and Crucible. And not always you can trade damage for survivability and vice verca and be successful everywhere. And still no life leech and damage can save you from one-shots.

and this is why I wanna my builds be playable in all hands, not in professional pilot’s ones.

oh, yes, the famous variety when bad skills and class combos should exist and be barely supported just because.

never said anything like that. re-read the OP and some commentaries, please.


definitely, not enough interesting sabo stuff around, i hate to play the class myself, i just don’t agree with some of the points put forth here.
-and because of the niche combo, how would you buff sabo in a way that didn’t accidentally buff/benefit others even more? the discrepancy will sorta always exist.
LL on voidspire?, fine, how do we solve the hp/absorb/mitigation/1shot issues, gonna dump all of those things just on voidspire to keep it solely with sabo range, and then only chaos sabo at that?
as far as chaos setup it’s so close to Rahzin WH that you’d just inadvertently buff that anyway so it would still have a gap. It’s so niche every part of this is utilized by something else that would get the same “love” and always be “better” than chaos sabo for it??
(again i’m no expert, so i have a hard time imagining where to place the love other than dumping a million diff bonus stats on voidspire itself and making them ridiculous/i don’t see the bigger picture as such)

again, doesn’t have to be, cruising crucible in breakneck speeds and doing high SR are different beasts and not all builds/pilots manage both equally(much less in mediocre hands), and there is nothing “wrong” with chaos sabo not necessarily being able to do both in 1 iteration as is - what’s next, we want chaos sabo to do 5min cruci while capable of sr 85, at the same time beating lokarr in sub 20sec and pref 2min Mogdrogen, with Calla Ravager and Crate on top “as is” - because avg players prefer builds that can do “everything”? where does it stop, when is it enough?

which i’m sure this can be made out to be, maybe just not performing both 5min cruci and sr85+ but why does it have to be able to do that in avg hands? that’s literally what you expert builders/runners are for, us mere mortals cant accomplish that on anything but like a fraction of builds anyway - why can we not be happy with SR75 for this particular setup?

how is it barely supporte? it exist, it works, it just doesn’t do exactly like what you pros want or perform excatly the same as other top 10 builds, do they have to tho? - again didn’t say sabo couldn’t use love, but much of what i saw here just seemed “greedy”

my bad, i had read it as ditching pierce in favour of ele, not cold to ele
still “greedy” because you have full firestrike and execution conversion already, even without dual voidspire /shrug (imo)


TIL choosing a damage type involved in one of your masteries with RR to back it up is “niche.”


ikr, that’s why like sabo is the most abundant build, - and why aether paladins been breaking records the last 6 months, because it’s all it takes

Saboteur’s have always been a Masochist’s pick due to the lack of synergy between the 2 classes.
You end up lacking damage absorption and being point starved.

I remember a forum member some time ago seeking advice on fixing their Sabo after he picked a damage type that wasn’t supported by either class (Garfunkel I think his name was). He was roasted pretty heavily by the community for even trying to make it work.

In today’s Grim Dawn the itemisation choices can make pretty much anything beat Ultimate (even what was considered a ludicrous suggestion years ago by another forum member) but rofl-stomping through high shards and crucible should not really be expected on a build that requires very specific items to function in the first place. (It’s a gdstash only build, otherwise expect plenty of deaths during the levelling phase).

I do hope Crate does expand on a few items as per usual but this is a very tricky request. Anything added here may be too OP on another combo.


so, the patch is out and … nothing changed, actually.
the 8% adcth to Execution do NOTHING in terms of survivability, and I literally don’t understand why not add life leech to FS itself or global to the weapon, like 6-8%. Adding it to a single-target wps with 24% chance (or sth like that) of activation is ridiculous and pointless.
here the GT I made: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m23kr6q2 (helm is Ember Calling, actually).

videos go below:

My proposals are still the same. Add more lifeleech to the weapons so the build could sustain better.
Being a sabo, it can only live with damage but there’s not enough adcth for it.
Also resists are a bit screwed as ele res on Ember helm is kinda pointless. Better replace it with pierce/bleed/aether/acid.

On your first video you take 2 projectiles from the ghosts, according to GT they deal 25% hp damage on top of some very high flat cold & vitality damage, you can clearly see your hp bar take 2 chunks before Reaper executes you. I absolutely don’t see the point of this video.


What is this? just punch him in the face so he dies, it’s literally the shittiest SR nemesis and he got even shittier in this patch

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I did 75-76 run with my Sabo aswell, using 2x Voidspire and plain SR set without any flat damage. It was quite easy in boss room, I did harder time in chunks than usual though but that’s some other issue. And I didn’t have any chance to try new set but that set converts half of the pierce damage into fire so that kinda sucks.

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