Suggestion: chronomancer (new class mastery for a future expansion)

Objective of the New Chronomancer Class for Grim Dawn

Proposal for the New Chronomancer Class

I propose the introduction of the Chronomancer class in future expansions of Grim Dawn, a unique mastery focused on manipulating time to control and disrupt the battlefield. This class would enhance gameplay by offering innovative mechanics centered on crowd control, elemental damage, and unique debuffs, which can create diverse build possibilities and strategies.

Why the Chronomancer Should Be Added

  1. Unique Gameplay Mechanics: The Chronomancer class would introduce mechanics that are distinct from existing classes. With abilities like Time Warp, Temporal Hole, and Ripple Illusion, players would be able to slow, stun, and confuse enemies, adding layers of strategy to combat. The focus on controlling the flow of battle aligns well with Grim Dawn’s emphasis on tactical gameplay.
  2. Diverse Skill Trees: The proposed skill trees, such as Time Warp and Wave of Existence, cater to both damage-dealing and support roles. Players could create hybrid builds that focus on dealing damage over time while simultaneously debuffing enemies, ensuring that the Chronomancer can adapt to various party compositions and playstyles.
  3. Enhanced Crowd Control: The emphasis on crowd control effects such as sleep, petrification, and confusion allows players to manipulate encounters, making it easier to handle large groups of enemies. Skills like Temporal Curse and Doomed Fate would introduce significant strategic depth, allowing players to control the battlefield rather than just dealing damage.
  4. Rich Lore and Theme: The concept of time manipulation fits seamlessly into the dark fantasy world of Grim Dawn. The lore surrounding the Chronomancer can expand the narrative, delving into themes of causality, fate, and the consequences of tampering with time, adding richness to the game’s already immersive story.
  5. Appeal to New and Veteran Players: The Chronomancer would attract players who enjoy unique mechanics and playstyles, providing a fresh experience for veterans while being accessible to newcomers. Its versatility and potential for synergy with other masteries would encourage experimentation and collaboration in multiplayer modes.

In summary, the addition of the Chronomancer class would not only diversify the gameplay experience in Grim Dawn but also enrich the game’s narrative and mechanical complexity. By manipulating time, players can experience new strategies and storytelling, further immersing themselves in the captivating world of Cairn.


Active Skills:

Skill Tree Tier:

  • Time Warp (1) > Infinite Disruption (10) > Endless Twister (20) (No damage)
  • Temporal Hole (1) > Spatial Distortion (15) > Event Horizon (32) (Knockdown, slow, and entrapment; Chaos, fireburn, frostburn, electrocute)
  • Wave of Existence (5) > Terminal Destiny (20) > Doomed Fate (32) (Stun, elemental, frostburn, fire burn, electrocute)
  • Temporal Curse (15) > Temporal Decay (25) > Shattered Reality (40) (Sleep, 1-Chaos, 2-Vitality decay, 3-Internal trauma)
  • Ripple Illusion (40) > Chaotic Explosion (50) (X% chance to confuse target, vitality decay, poison, chaos damage, knockback; targets affected by Ripple Illusion explode on death or when the effect ends, dealing a secondary chaos damage effect in a 4m area)
  • Continuum Manifestation (50) (Petrify target for X seconds; poison, bleed, internal trauma)

Buff Damaging Aura Skills:

  • Chronological Manipulation (25) > Roll of Probabilities (40) (X% chance to terrify target for X seconds; vitality decay, bleed, % chance of activating a random crowd control effect on enemies)

Passive Skills:

  • Timekeeper (5)
  • Reaper of Eras (10)
  • Time Slip (25)
  • Overtime (32) (Improved duration of all DOTs) > Crowd Control (40) (Improved duration of all negative effects)

Buff Imbue Skills:

  • Ravager of Eons (50) (Exclusive skill: X% chance to 100% extended duration to all currently active skills and bonus to damage, vitality decay, bleed, venomous, internal trauma with increased duration and offensive ability %)
  • Aeon’s Bearer (50) (Exclusive skill: X% chance to 100% cooldown reduction and elemental overtime and defensive ability)
  • Temporal Aura (5) > Essence of Time (15) > Flux of Eternity (25) (Stun resistance, reflection damage, petrify resistance, reflection resistance, increased total speed, chance of attack retaliation speed, chaos damage, chaos damage %, elemental damage, elemental damage %)


Time Warp skill tree (Active Skill): Time Warp > Infinite Disruption > Endless Twister

Time Warp (Tier 1): Tear a warp in time at the location of your enemy. Duration: 5 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎X% slow target for 1 second.

Infinite Disruption (Tier 10): Enemies caught inside the time warp can be stunned or have their abilities to be disrupted while being unable to attack you.
:black_small_square:︎ x% chance to stun target for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Disrupts enemies’ abilities for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Chance of Impaired Aim to target for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Chance for target to fumble attacks for 1~2 seconds.

Endless Twister (Tier 20): The Warp turns into a Time Twister where time becomes savage inside the time warp reducing enemies’ resistances and their ability to heal themselves.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduce target’s all resistances for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduce target’s Offensive Ability for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduce target’s Defensive Ability for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduce target’s Armor for 1~2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduce target’s Health Regeneration for 1~2 seconds.

Temporal Hole skill tree (Active Skill): Temporal Hole > Spatial Distortion > Event Horizon
Temporal Hole (Tier 1): Cast a time hole that knocks targets to be drawn inside the time hole towards its center making them unable to move outside of it. The skill has reversed knockdown effect to the center of the skill. 5 meter area. Duration: 6 seconds
:black_small_square:︎ X Burn damage over 2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X Frostburn damage over 2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X Electrocute damage over 2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Knockdown target for X seconds every 2 seconds.

Spatial Distortion (Tier 15): Enemies inside the Temporal Hole experience the chaotic space and reality around them to be entirely distorted along with their lives.
:black_small_square:︎ X Chaos damage.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Slower Target Movement for 3 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduced target’s slow resistance over 2 seconds.

Elements of Time (Modifier linked to Spacial Distortion) (Tier 20): The chaotic time inside the Temporal Hole turns out to be filled with the devastating arcane damage of elements.
:black_small_square:︎ Convert 100% chaos damage into elemental damage.
:black_small_square:︎ Total damage modifier by 15%.

Event Horizon (Tier 32): Time becomes so destructive inside the Temporal Hole that enemies cannot flee and their lives get terminated.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Damage Fire Burn.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Damage Frostburn.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Damage Electrocute.
:black_small_square:︎ Immobilize Target for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduced target’s trap resistance over X seconds.

Temporal Aura Skill Tree (Buffs are automatically activated): Temporal Aura > Essence of Time > Flux of Eternity
Temporal Aura (Tier 5): Your rapprochement over the time is so strong that you and it became one, gaining an enormous power that only mere mortals dream of obtaining, for this reason, your powers will be shared on to your allies if they keep themselves close enough to you. 12 Meter radius effect.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Increased Total Speed
:black_small_square:︎ X% Chaos Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Elemental Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Slow Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Chance of X% Attack Retaliation Speed

Essence of Time (Tier 15): You drain the raw essence of time and convert it into a devastating power that also reflects damage back to enemies that do damage to you and your party members.
:black_small_square:︎ X Chaos Damage.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Chaos Damage.
:black_small_square: X Elemental Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Elemental Damage
:black_small_square:︎ X% Damage Reflection

Flux of Eternity (Tier 25): The Flux of Eternity reduces negative duration effects on you and your allies.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Entrapment Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reflection Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Petrify Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Stun Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Vitality Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Disruption Resistance
:black_small_square:︎ X% Reduced Mind Control

Timekeeper skill tree (Passive): Timekeeper
Timekeeper (Tier 5): Time turns out to be a toy in your hands as you enhance yourself with the magic of time. (Affects all skills that have duration and skills that have cooldown)
:black_small_square:︎ X% Increased duration of all your active and passive skills. Also affects the duration of all summoned non-permanent pets.
:black_small_square:︎ X% Increased cooldown reduction.

Reaper of Eras skill tree (Passive): Reaper of Eras
Reaper of Eras (100% chance to activate on hit) (Tier 15): As a reaper of time, your attacks now distort the spacetime around enemies and anticipate their death, as you use the power of time to bring the future to the present and make all damage that would be done in the future to be done instantly, the magic is so powerful for your mind that you need to rest once in a while after performing such temporal spell. (Turn all remaining DOT applied to an enemy by you and your party members to de done instantly instead of over time, with the cost of losing part of DOT if it were done over time, also, enemies lose all DOT applied to them after performing Reap DOT). –
:black_small_square:︎ X% of all currently damage over time applied to an enemy, by you or your party members, is done instantly, thus, enemy is cleared from all currently damage over time that was applied to him. (3 seconds cooldown)
:black_small_square:︎ Affects up to X enemies at once.

Time Slip Skill Tree (Activates when life goes bellow 20%)(Passive): Time Slip
Time Slip (Tier 25): Your control over time makes you able to survive even if death is imminent allowing you to negate its effects and going back into previous state when you weren’t hurt, besides, you also gain protection from magic of time to avoid entering in a state of almost death for a small period.
:black_small_square:︎ Restore X% health.
:black_small_square:︎ X% damage absorption for X Seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X seconds skill recharge.

Overtime Skill Tree (Passive): Overtime > Crowd Control
Overtime (Tier 32): Your chronomantic powers enhance your control in time which allows you to increase the duration of all kinds of damage over time that are applied to enemies making them suffer much longer.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Internal Trauma Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Fire Burn Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Frostburn Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Electrocute Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Bleed Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Vitality Decay Damage
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Increased duration in Poison Damage

Crowd Control (40): You delight yourself when you encounter a legion of monsters, as you playfully master the ability to make uncountable number of enemies unable to react or defend themselves for a longer time against you.
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Stun
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Freeze
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Petrify
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Entrapment
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Slow
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Disruption
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Terrify
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Confusion
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Target’s Impaired Aim
:black_small_square:︎ +x% Increased duration of Inflicted Target’s Fumble Attack

Chronological Manipulation Skill Tree (Buffs are automatically activated): Chronological Manipulation > Roll of Probabilities
Chronological Manipulation (Tier 25): You simply manipulate the time of events so past, present, and future no longer exist around you, consequently, enemies that get too near you experience a completely different veil of existence which spread temporal radiation against them which causes their blood being brutally squirted out of their bodies and their flesh to quickly deteriorate. 5m radius damage.
:black_small_square:︎ X% chance to terrify target for 2 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ X Bleed Damage.
:black_small_square:︎ X Vitality Decay Damage.

Roll of Probabilities (Tier 40): Rare events happen at improved rate causing negative duration effects to occur randomly and more often than expected against enemies that are unlucky enough to get too near you within radius damage.
X% Chance of one of the following effects on hit:
:black_small_square:︎ petrify target for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ slow target for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ sleep target for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ stun target for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ freeze target for X seconds.

Skill Tree Tier: Wave of Existence Skill Tree (Active skill): Wave of Existence > Terminal Destiny > Doomed Fate
Characteristics: stun, elemental, frostburn, fire burn and electrocute
Wave of Existence (Tier 5): A powerful surge of elemental energy ripples outward, dealing initial elemental damage with lingering effects with devastating sequence of powers that invokes otherworldly forces to deal damage and control enemies. This wave has a chance to stun, inflict frostburn, burn, and electrocute on enemies caught in its path.
:black_small_square:︎ Cooldown: 6 seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Range: Wide, wave-like spread to X meter in front of the player.
:black_small_square:︎ X Elemental Damage.
:black_small_square:︎ Effects on Hit: 30% chance of one of the following:

  • Stun target for X seconds.
  • Slow target for X seconds.

Terminal Destiny (Tier 20): Your power grows as you hone your ability to control existence itself. Enemies caught by Wave of Existence experience the effects of their own imminent end, increasing their vulnerability to damage and causing them to falter under your power. Amplifies the power of Wave of Existence, increasing the chance of status effects and adding further debilitation to each elemental effect, ensuring that enemies caught in the wave are heavily damaged and controlled, with a high chance of lingering effects that leave them no chance of escape with an additional termination consequence.
:black_small_square:︎ Enhanced Effects on Hit: +X% chance of one of the following

  • Stun target for X seconds.
  • Slow target for X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Increased Elemental Vulnerability: Enemies hit by Wave of Existence take 10% more elemental damage for 5 seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Burn Damage: X fireburn damage over X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Frostburn Damage: X frostburn damage over X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Electrocute Damage: X electrocute damage over X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Fatal Consequence (additional side effect): Enemies below X% health take a burst of additional X elemental damage, ensuring certain death if they fall below this threshold.

Doomed Fate (Tier 32): Finalizes the destructive potential of Wave of Existence as you seal the fate of those who oppose you, leaving no escape from certain destruction to a group of enemies. Wave of Existence now deals amplified damage and imposes a lingering aura of impending doom, ensuring that all affected enemies suffer relentless effects which spreads to all nearby enemies around from the initial target.
Increased Effects on Hit: +X% chance of one of the following:

  • Stun target for X seconds with + x% improved duration.
  • Slow target for X seconds with + x% improved duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ X fireburn damage over X seconds with +X% improved duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ X frostburn damage over X seconds with +X% improved duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ X electrocute damage over X seconds with +X% improved duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ Aura of Doom (additional side effect to enemies): Creates a lingering aura around affected enemies by Wave of Existence, dealing additional elemental damage over time for X seconds to other enemies around them spreading the effect to nearby enemies. Effects spreads to a X meter range around the initial target to other enemies.

Temporal Curse skill tree (Active Skill): Temporal Curse > Temporal Decay > Shattered Reality
Temporal Curse (Tier 15): A deadly curse that distorts the perception of time, causing afflicted enemies to experience rapid aging and decay. The curse drains their vitality while potentially putting them into a deep sleep which allows the wielder to manipulate time itself, inflicting a series of devastating effects that drain enemies’ life.
:black_small_square:︎ Duration: X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Area effect: X meters around the initial target area.
:black_small_square:︎ X% chance of one of the following:

  • Sleep target for X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ X chaos damage over the curse’s duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ X vitality decay damage over the curse’s duration.

Temporal Decay (Tier 25): Time decay occurs so fast that the aging process of your enemies happen faster than expected, as a result, enemies’ vitality is drained completely by the time itself, as the decay of time accelerates drastically, causing the life force of enemies to drain at an accelerated rate. This effect amplifies the vitality decay, rendering them weaker with each passing second.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% chance of one of the following:

  • Sleep target for +X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ X chaos damage over an extended duration.
    :black_small_square:︎ Vitality Decay Damage: Increased X vitality decay damage over X seconds.
    :black_small_square:︎ Additional Effect: Enemies suffer 10% increased damage taken from all sources for the duration of Temporal Curse.

Shattered Reality (Tier 40): Enemies experience the reality being violently shattered, and symptoms of the spaghettification by the time within their bodies, while it breaks their bones, and causes extremely painful internal trauma damage resulting in certain death. The curse culminates in a catastrophic effect, where time violently warps within enemies’ bodies. They have chance to experience spaghettification-like symptoms, as their bones break under temporal strain, causing additional intense internal trauma if they survive the initial curse effect.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% chance of one of the following:

  • Sleep target for +X seconds.

:black_small_square:︎ Vitality Decay Damage: Increased X vitality decay damage over X seconds with x% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ X internal trauma damage over X seconds with X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ Reality Shatter Aura Effect (Additional side effect): Enemies below X% health take a burst of X additional internal trauma damage, ensuring fatality if they are weakened enough.

Ripple Illusion skill tree (Active Skill): Ripple Illusion > Chaotic Explosions
Ripple Illusion (Tier 40): You ripple the area of your target causing enemies to view confusing illusions that distort the reality around them. Enemies caught in the illusion may experience hallucinations and suffer from vitality and poison decay. 5m Area damage. Duration: X seconds. Cooldown: X Seconds
:black_small_square:︎ X% chance to Confuse target.
:black_small_square:︎ X Vitality Decay Damage.
:black_small_square:︎ X Poison Damage.

Chaotic Explosions (Tier 50): When Ripple Illusion ends or affected enemies die, they explode, causing an area of effect chaos explosion that deals damage to surrounding enemies. Each explosion can trigger other explosions, creating a chain reaction of chaotic devastation. As all targets affected by Ripple Illusion explode on death or when the effect of the illusion ends (if they didn’t die yet), dealing a secondary effect by chaos damage in a X meter area of effect around each target affected by Ripple Illusion (Multiple explosions can happen at once).
:black_small_square:︎ X Chaos damage.
:black_small_square:︎ Explosion Trigger: Enemies affected by Ripple Illusion explode on death or when the illusion ends (if they survive).
:black_small_square:︎ Explosion Area of Effect: X meters around each affected target.
:black_small_square:︎ Knockback all enemies around each target affected by Ripple Illusion for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Multiple Explosions: If multiple targets are affected by Ripple Illusion, each will explode separately, potentially creating a devastating chain reaction.

Continuum Manifestation Skill Tree (Scaled player damage):
Continuum Manifestation (Tier 50): A terrifying forbidden spell used to summon an entity of time that only the most powerful chonomancers can bring to our world, as the true manifestation of time itself turned into a trans-temporal entity capable of consuming time and space around the summoner, some people believe that the Continuum Manifestation is Aeon himself in one of his many forms, who is brought by a deprived ritual that breaks the veil of reality which allows him to devour the existence for a short period while it guards the summoner from any danger. The Continuum Manifestation scales player damage.
:black_small_square:︎ Duration: X Seconds of summoning.
:black_small_square:︎ Health: Indestructible (enemies will not target Continuum Manifestation).
:black_small_square:︎ Attacks done by Continuum Manifestation can be reflected by enemies directly to player.
:black_small_square:︎ Veil of Annihilation Aura: X% chance to increase all damage taken by enemies within x meter range by +X% additional all damage for X seconds.
:black_small_square:︎ Continuum Manifestation has 100% chance to cast one of its 4 skills when attacking enemies. Skills Cast by Continuum Manifestation:

  • Temporal Rend;
  • Decay of Ages;
  • Cataclysmic Collapse;
  • Paradox Strike;
    Description of Skills cast by Continuum Manifestation:
  1. Temporal Rend
  • Description: The entity tears open rifts in time, sending shockwaves through enemies. Each rend fractures reality, dealing high internal trauma damage and leaving lasting wounds.
  • Effect:
    • Internal Trauma Damage: X damage over X seconds.
    • Bleed Damage: X bleed damage over X seconds.
    • Secondary Effect: Enemies hit are slowed by X% for X seconds as time itself feels disrupted.
  1. Decay of Ages
  • Description: Continuum Manifestation releases a wave of decaying energy that erodes the health and vitality of enemies over time, leaving them weakened and susceptible to further attacks.
  • Effect:
    • Poison Damage: X poison damage over X seconds.
    • Vitality Decay Damage: X vitality decay over X seconds.
    • Secondary Effect: Enemies hit suffer reduced resistances to Bleed and Poison by X% for the skill’s duration, increasing the effectiveness of damage-over-time effects.
  1. Cataclysmic Collapse
  • Description: Summons a burst of chaotic, collapsing energy, causing an explosion that deals chaos and physical damage to all enemies within range. This blast destabilizes space, causing enemies to be knocked back.
  • Effect:
    • Chaos Damage: X chaos damage in a X-meter radius.
    • Physical Damage: X physical damage in a X-meter radius.
    • Knockback: Enemies are knocked back X meters and have a X% chance to be stunned for X seconds, representing the shock of the temporal rupture.
  1. Paradox Strike
  • Description: The entity delivers a direct strike infused with temporal chaos, disorienting enemies and causing them to take amplified damage from all sources for a brief period.
  • Effect:
    • Chaos Damage: X chaos damage.
    • Poison Damage: X poison damage over X seconds.
    • Secondary Effect: Enemies hit are confused for X seconds, causing them to wander aimlessly, and take X% increased damage from all sources for X seconds.

Ravager of Eons skill tree (Exclusive Skill – Buffs are automatically active)
Ravager of Eons (Tier 50): Whispered about in legends, the Ravager of Eons is a forbidden art known only to those who truly understand the mysteries of time. To invoke this power is to call upon an ageless, remorseless force that stretches moments into eternities and makes fleeting seconds feel like an endless, painful march. The chronomancer who wields this aura spell is no mere mage; they are an architect of entropy, weaving decay and dissolution into the very fabric of time itself. As you embrace to become the Ravager of Eons, you tap into the terrifying essence of time itself. In your wake, foes face not just death, but a lingering nightmare where time stands still, and agony reigns eternal. Only one Exclusive Skill can be active at a time.
:black_small_square:︎ X% chance to 100% increased duration to all skills that have duration.
:black_small_square:︎ Extends your power to your party members around you in a X meter range radius.
:black_small_square:︎ X Poison Damage.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Vitality Decay damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Bleed damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Poison damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Internal Trauma damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Offensive Ability.

Aeon’s Bearer Skill tree (Exclusive Skill – Buffs are automatically active)
Aeon’s Bearer (Tier 50): You give yourself as a serf to Aeon, the Great Timekeeper and Ruler of Time, therefore, you become his living Avatar acting as his formal messenger and an extension of Aeon’s judgment by being his Executor to the living wrongdoer. As Aeon’s Bearer you can also extend his power to your party members. Only one Exclusive Skill can be active at a time.
:black_small_square:︎ X% chance to 100% cooldown reduction.
:black_small_square:︎ Extends your power to your party members around you in a X meter range radius.
:black_small_square:︎ X Fireburn damage.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Fireburn damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Electrocute damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Frostburn damage with +X% improved duration.
:black_small_square:︎ +X% Defensive Ability.


This is an original concept. I like it.

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