With this change now AAR has modifiers for so many different damage types, but there are still no damage modifiers or added damage for Vitality AAR. Can some modifiers be added to the Mythical Hallanx’s Head for Vitality AAR? Maybe 80 Vitality Damage to AAR, 100% Aether to Vitality to AAR and 100% Fire to Vitality AAR. Using this item with Mythical Clairvoyant’s Hat would enable full Vitality AAR with 2 items. As it stands, you need 5 items to convert AAR damage full Vitality.
If that doesn’t sound like a great idea, perhaps adding a new dagger to the loot that would act similar to Hexflame, but be for Vitality AAR would be a possibility as well. I think this might be the best option if it converts both the Fire and Lightning Damage on AAR so you can then choose from the Aether to Vitality items around to get the full conversion.
Or conversion modifiers could be added to other items instead? Any option would be Decree of Malmouth where you could add flat Vitality damage to AAR and 100% Fire to Vitality and 100% Lightning to Vitality to AAR?
With the reduction to AAR base skill and the loss of almost half the added damage to AAR on Mythical Aethereach, my Vitality AAR Warlock lost about 15% damage per Grim Internals… and it’s already the very worst form of AAR damage to begin with!
Whatever happens, thanks for making Grim Dawn great!
Any thoughts?
p.s. Please make the AAR beam a RED BEAM OF DEATH!