(Suggestion) Masteries reset and lev.85 boost for cash

Not really if you think about it. a) I so far haven’t gotten anywhere near L85 so I couldn’t buy a boost even if I wanted one and b) for me the replayability is making a new toon from scratch. With your idea yes I could redo the masteries again, but it would still be a L85 toon with all the equipment and not an L1 one with none. Plus it doesn’t reset quests so what would be the point of redoing an L85 toon in a different configuration? Just running around killing bosses and Nemesis again and again for me is totally boring. There might be a reason to do so when the level cap goes up to 100 in the expansion, but I can’t see what you’re suggesting being something I’d use. And going by the figures you gave neither would the majority of players since they never play far enough into the game for it to become available.

If so, will the player be unable to choose the Necromancer as the second mastery after joining the Kymon’s Chosen?

According to Zantai you’ll be able to pick Necromancer after joining Kymon’s Chosen and characters from that faction will react to you being a Necromancer.

Dunno if you can keep joining them in Elite and Ultimate after you pick Necromancer in Normal.

Then you’ll be happy to know that no tools listed in the GD forums are dubious. All the ones listed are listed because Crate (or the mods) allowed it to be there. If there was a hint of wrongdoing going on then they wouldn’t be listed. Simple as that.

As for trying to make it into a DLC, bad idea all around and a good way for Crate to lose the communities good will in regards to their integrity. You can try to spin it with the “they need to eat” line all you like but they’ve sold over a million copies of the game. They aren’t exactly starving now and can leave the panhandling behind. I’d ask Zantai to comment on how they are doing but I can never get him to quit partying on his yacht long enough for a conversation.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the answer. :slight_smile:

I click on the gd defiler link and land on the author’s (skilled programmer, has detailed insights on the workings of Grim Dawn, but is not affiliated with crate) web page and there is just a “launch application” link.
For me it doesn’t get more dubious than that.
As for supported - I think you mistook something that is put on a “sticky” on a forum with being supported by crate.
They tolerate it because of their “independent” vibe (and in no small part because of supporters with a mindset like yours), but they are a company and can’t support it at all because of that fact.
If they were to support anything 3rd party, as a company, it could open a lot of weird and complicated questions concerning finances and taxes.


The devs foster the creation of the tools and mods, they don’t just tolerate them. The game was designed for such things as the devs have stated since the inception of the game.

The only way posts get stickied is if a forum moderator or dev stickies it. If the devs didn’t want to foster such tools and mods, then they wouldn’t sticky posts.

Crate doesn’t provide support the tools or mods (other than the forums), that’s the job of the tool or mod developer.

If you don’t want to use the tools or mods,then that’s your choice; but it’s most likely the only way you’ll get what you want.

Nah, he prefers to pay for glorified cheats. EA would love to have him as a paying customer.

Come on, really? If you look at GDDefiler, Grimcalc, Grimtools, they all say they’re not affliated with Crate - and they’re not. They’re made by people who love the game and like making mods/tools for the GD community to enjoy.

In case you don’t know Soulseekkor made the highly regarded TQDefiler which has been used by thousands of people over the years. He’s now working on a combined GD/TQDefiler - the link to which is stickied here on the forum. He has his own website so it makes sense to link to that for the download. Nothing “dubious” about it.

If anything was “dubious” on the forum, the forum mods/devs would remove it as soon as it was reported to them and they checked it out. Do you really think they’d leave something “dubious” on their website? That would really do their reputation a lot of good.

I respect all your opinions, but I think most of you here are not open enough to see my suggestion from a “neutral” angle.

I’m aware it will probably never be implemented since there is so much resistance in the active community, as evidenced here.

I have no qualms about paying for something that has value to me.
EA and Blizzard stuff in general do not present any value to me and I find the companies’ policies not to my liking. It is different with crate, otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested this.

With this post I’m signing off from the subject.


Any “tools” posts submitted to that section of the forum go on to a hold upon submission until approved by either Crate or the forum mods here. Make no mistake, I’ve mistook nothing about their “support” of the GD modders. Anything that gets listed there gets the greenlight to be there. If a tools thread were to start filling up with posts by people complaining of something fishy going on you can bet that they’d have some explaining to do or risk being removed from the site. I don’t imagine Crate is keen on having links to malicious programs or mods on the forum.

I get the feeling by your wording that you want to mistake “support” to mean financial support. That would be an assumption on your end. A wrong one.

As for GDefiler, it is authored by soukseekor, creator of TQDefiler, which is a long used and long known app for Titan Quest. He is indeed familiar with the workings of GD as GD was made with same engine as TQ.

With this post I’m signing off from the subject.



Unless it comes from Crate, it’s not legit. Mods are cheating. /s

I respect that you have kept this discussion civil, I am just here to throw my 2c.
The thing you are suggesting can never be implemented in a DRM-Free game, anyone is free to correct me but I think pretty much every DRM-free game can be hexed/modded (apologies for using the terms interchangeably) with some effort and can never have such a feature.
Even game’s w/o dedicated modding support can have “defiler” type tools made for them buy dedicated programmers.

I am not going to argue if this right or wrong, I just said this to correct your viewpoint which I personally perceive to be wrong that it’s the resistance from the community that is stopping Crate from implementing this. A community isn’t just 5-10 forum members there probably exist people who might like your idea as well


After about a year on the forums, I am beginning to think that I am the only non-Titan Quest player here. If it weren’t for the setting I’d have tried it

I think the guy who made it lives partly on the forums and is at least the boyfriend of one of the employees if not one himself(might be thinking of GD Stash). Kidding of course, but Its not “dubious” when done with the silent blessing of the company. When they say they don’t “support” it means they aren’t going to spend resources troubleshooting the program for you or making help files on how to use it or take responsibility for you doing so. Its not the same as disapproval. It’s not an “independent vibe”, as far as i can tell these guys and maybe gals are literally a garage band of game developers managing to live a dream, about as real as it gets.

What nonsense. Is using GrimCalc or Grimtools to work out your build ideas cheating? Is playing Grim Quest, Grimmer and Grimmest, Grimarillion, etc - all mods for the game - cheating because they add different dimensions to it? Of course not.

I won’t get into the “this or that is cheating” discussion because that’s been done to death already and still gets resurrected from time to time. The game is moddable - the devs wanted it to be so as long as you’re a single player play the game however you want, enjoy it however you want. That’s the whole point of having mods in the first place. As for people who multiplay, there are and always have been people who cheat and there’s not much you can do to stop it.

It’s Kathanious, medea :wink:

Look at his sig. He’s being facetious.

Never look at sigs powbam. Enough text on the screen without adding those in as well.