(Suggestion) Masteries reset and lev.85 boost for cash


I don’t want to use unsupported or dubious tools, so I’d be first in line to buy a Masteries reset and/or a level 85 boost for real money (as a steam “dlc” so to speak).
I don’t know for how much, maybe 5 $/Euro per boost.

“Hardcore” players won’t need/want such a thing but I reckon there are A LOT of others (including me) who would.
There would be no pressure to buy it since you can spend your time leveling new characters and such, but there are a lot of people out there with not that much time, but who still like the game.
We would additionally support the company that way too.

Crate can add caveats in the steam store descriptions on how it’s not needed to play the game and is purely a convenience item and limit it to 2 per week or so, so everyone is happy.

Leave the existing character’s name, items and shrines as they are and please give us the option to reset classes and attribute points that way.


Adding pay-to-win functionalities in a buy to play, solo play game is an absolutely terrible idea.

Also, why would Crate bother selling level ups when a lot of free 3rd party tools do the same thing for free?

I see where you are coming from, but changing masteries can be tricky - Kymon’s Chosen will not accept Necromancers. Assuming you have already made your choice on Ultimate, there is no higher difficulty to change your mind.

Buying back mastery bar points and resetting your attribute points will become possible in the expansion.

  1. I am looking forward to this more than anything (besides Malmouth Resistance faction) in the expansion. The look on their faces when a Necro joins their ranks

  2. I could be wrong, didn’t they say you can only refund points in mastery bar till Level 1 and not go below that i.e you can’t change masteries but can rework entire builds

Expansion will allow you to reset your mastery bars back to one point each and start again with allocating the rest of the reclaimed points. You will not be able to change the class though. Devotion and attribute points can also be reset in the expansion.

Devotion points can be reset even now though, although you need Tonic of Clarity for that

How about selling perfect rolled greens for real money? 5$ for stonehide solael pants of nature beauty ? 3$ for IM pauldrons of shinny awesomeness. Man! You can make a fortune that way!

Feels like a public Minecraft server.

Adding pay-to-win functionalities in a buy to play, solo play game is an absolutely terrible idea.
Also, why would Crate bother selling level ups when a lot of free 3rd party tools do the same thing for free?
//end quote

There is nothing at stake, so there is nothing to win really.
As to why giving money for anything… I don’t know how to answer that for you. My second sentence in the original post said it already.
Question is similar to: “why would I pay to listen to someone’s music they spent six months creating”.

The company has to pay their employees and fees somehow, so if you don’t want to support them that way, then don’t, no-one is forcing you to.

I see where you are coming from, but changing masteries can be tricky - Kymon’s Chosen will not accept Necromancers. Assuming you have already made your choice on Ultimate, there is no higher difficulty to change your mind.
Buying back mastery bar points and resetting your attribute points will become possible in the expansion.
//end quote

Faction problem could be circumvented (if it realy is that big a problem) by resetting the ultimate playthrough to the end of elite. When already at lvl.85 and fully equipped, it is easy to breeze through the story chapters.

My point was to reset/refund the whole mastery. It is meant for the people who would want to feel how a, i.e lvl.85 soldier/mage feels compared to a i.e soldier/shaman with similar attribute composition, and not having to spend an insane amount of time grinding it to lvl.85 and then be disappointed by the experience. That is not fun and it hurts the game (and by virtue also the company) since people leave it when they are not having fun.
And time really is money.

Joke replies I don’t have much to say to.


This will never happen. They also allowed modding tools so that you could do stuff like this.

This will never happen.
//end quote

Well, probably - but no harm in suggesting (and discussing) it.

But, on the other hand - why wouldn’t they try it out?
They need money like everyone else.
When I look at the steam global achievement stats (assuming they are not manipulated, cough…) I see 67% of players reaching lev.10.
24% of the buyers have completed the game, 9% have defeated Shar-Zul in the Bastion of Chaos, 7% have reached lev.85 and 3,7% have finished the game on ultimate difficulty.
The game has sold a bit over 1 million times and lets say only 25% of those sales were on varying special offers, so that huge amount of money has to be distributed across the employees and other fees over a period of quite a few years.
Grim Dawn has no IP profit component, so it is clear why the Crucible was/is priced like it was/is, and not for free.
How many have purchased the Crucible? I don’t know.
How many are actively playing the game in any way? I don’t know. Steam stats say about 6 thousand.
How many will purchase the expansion? I don’t know. 7% of the player base - probably (those that have pushed a character to lev.85).

From my point of view, Crate would do well to think about such alternatives like I’ve suggested.
The game is brilliant in its core, but very hard on the beginners, who mostly don’t return to it (therefore don’t buy any additional content).
There is no need to sell out, for sure, but for the sake of “normal” players - please make the game more accessible.


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Here’s the problem: with modding tools people already can do this, for free. So they would make next to no money with this and just piss off the people who hate this kind of stuff (myself included).

Yeah, but you’re guaranteed to get one in the expansion. First time I ever got one and I’ve been playing since the game first came out. :smiley:

They are drop from Nemesis. They can also drop from Crucible

I have used about a dozen of them…Still sitting on 18 Tonic.

I did farm a bit of Valdaran/Fabius/Zantarin/Moosie.

Moosie while farming SoT
Fabius while farming Cronley

Valdaran to farm BoM BluePrint

Zantartin cause there it take like 3 minutes to do all spot.

Yes, but if you don’t get up to Nemesis status you won’t get one. I’ve only just managed that in Elite with my Conjurer. Iirc the Tonic of Clarity will be a quest reward in the expansion, even on Normal and without the faction rep requirement.

You are playing since day one and never made it to Nemesis ? Nor you never played the Crucible I’m guessing?

I guess you are a living proof that only a very very very very small % of people actually finish Ultimate. I have about 10 Maxed Character and they all at least are Nemesis facing Aetherials and Undead. Most of them also have Chtonian (3 most represented faction) and I did farm Cronley with about half the group.

Order/Kymon I only have 1 with Order Nemesis cause those are VERY long to farm and don’t have an extra incentive (like Cronley for exemple!)

Nope. I suffer from “let’s try out this new build idea” syndrome. :smiley: I’m always trying out build guides/ideas so most of my toons are still in Normal difficulty.

If you think that’s bad, I’m worse in Titan Quest. Only 7 toons through to the end of the game and I’ve been playing that pretty much every day for nearly 10 years now! :eek: Can’t tell you how many times I’ve pruned my toon list down in hopes of getting more to the end, but then I see a build idea that looks interesting or come up with a new one myself and next thing I know my playlist is back up in the 30+ toons again.

I did try the Crucible when it first came out, but it’s not really my thing. It’s too repetitive for me. Might give it a try again some day though, you never know.

Now, you do seem like the ideal candidate for my level boost suggestion (cough…).



I doubt that. For some, most of the fun of creating a build is taking the toon through the game and seeing how it works, not just popping up at max level.

It really depends on how you like to play the game, which is why the devs created the game with modding in mind. That way people can create a mod or tools to allow them to play the game the way they want.

What you are proposing is already available in various tools. So why would the devs spend time to develop something in game?