[Suggestion] Remove aether to chaos conversion from Shadowflame Mantle

Mythical Dreadscorcher: added 45% of Physical dealt as Aether, moved % Chaos dealt as Aether modifier for Fire Strike to modifier for Flame Touched

^ This change just might be a ticket for this weapon to crawl out of “being crap” to “okay” state. But! Going Sorcerer over Purifier and even Defiler seems like a tough call: no WPS skills, no additional aether RR, no extra life leech from Harbinger of Souls. Besides, Purifier has better options on elemental side, Defiler (which got some weird changes, but whatever) has Gargabols.

Now, there’s this item called Shadowflame Mantle which ALREADY possesses the right bonuses to support Sorcerers. But for whatever reason it converts from aether to chaos. I find it hard to believe someone will actually try to play chaos Fire Strike sorc when Pyromancer exists. And I’m not the only one:

The only change this item needs is conversion removed (or moved to some other item where it would make more sense) and maybe % aether damage added to it. Hell, maybe even remove +2 Reckless Power if that will make it too OP. Just make it happen Zantai, please!

how about not messing with a perfectly good chaos item and just get conversion on another item/new? :man_shrugging:
(and i’m totally not just saying that just because i’ve used shadowflame mantle once or twice before)

Uh, I’m not really sure what you mean by that. I said conversiond should be (re)moved and % aether damage ADDED to it. It will affect chaos build in no way. Care to explain why it has Reckless Power on it?

i know right, removing a conversion into chaos in no way will affect chaos builds
specially not when aether->chaos conversion is about this rare https://www.grimtools.com/db/search?query=aether%20damage%20converted%20to%20chaos&in_description=1&exact_match=0

Show me some builds that will get broken without this conversion.

why does it have to be game breaking effect removal of covnersion? let it stay as is, why not just ask for an actual aether based item instead?
as it is shadow flame mantle is like the “only” decent chaos shoulders for a fire strike/chaos sorc, even if it’s not an ETE build, allow things to exist and people have fun ?

So what you saying is, you’d rather keep the conversion to get 33% of flat aether from Fabric and Reckless Power converted instead of a couple of new possible builds? I mean, for aether Sorc its literally 33% total damage reduction from all over, while for chaos Sorc it’s a ~5% damage increase?

dude you are saying it yourself right here

but sure, lets screw that up even more by taking the 1 item that helps the combo and make it worse for it, to really make sure noone ever bothers with it in the future - instead of asking for an item actually fitting of dread scorcher/aether sorc
heck if anything it’s a sign you should be askign for more chaos firestrike sorc support, so it’s not just pyro playing around

idono, maybe it’s just me that like stupid things and don’t care for everything being optimized so a combo can be meta competitively strong. But if anything i feel like, specially now with patches ending, the requests should be for diversity and not funneling things into even narrower potentials/“meta”

Pyro has perfect chaos synergy, Sorc has aether synergy. I see no problem there. And I’m not going to ask Crate to make a whole new item just to support this archetype, especially not when such item exists already. Here, I counted it for you: with rank 12 Fabric and RP you gain 21 flat chaos damage. If that’s such a huge loss, then just find another way to get it back.

ikr, if only aether-chaos conversion had other utilities than just that… oh well, i guess there exist nothing else to be gained than a mere 21flat dmg

Like I said, this conversion would be better moved to some other item. To what item exactly - I have no clue. Kinda depends on what you’re using I guess.

But in all actuality, I think this change won’t happen anyway, since there’re only two of us and nobody else supported either position.

for me it’s really not whether about there is (community) support for the proposal or even dev decision to implement it
for me it’s more about about taking something limited, and reducing it further, which i think is not good “overall”/regardless of specific proposal, specially not now at its end.
Having narrower “potential”, even if not ETE build quality, is just not something i’m keen on since i enjoy stupid stuff/“variety” a lot. And i feel like GD is a game that “begs” for more variety, not less. specially not now. But that’s just me :man_shrugging:

That’s why I made this topic. Sorc is mostly known as “Canister Bomb spammer” or Pyran. Fire Strike builds are mostly left to Purifiers and Pyromancers (for a good reason I must admit), but this change to Dreadscorcher showed a hint of hope for aether Sorc. If you read people’s opinions in the topic I linked, you’ll see that they didn’t enjoy the experience they received by playing this build.

And I don’t think there’s a slight chance this build will become “ETE”.

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