You’re under arrest.
Can’t say there’s a lot of room to maneuver in gear these days to squeeze in more stats or skill bonuses, but we’ll investigate.
I can see Slithbane having conversion and +2 to Soldier instead of +4 to Cadence though.
Let me give the community a quick run down of what a bug is, since there seems to be some confusion…
A bug…something the game does that contradicts expected function due to an error in the code or database. The way armor is calculated relative to flat damage sources is not a bug. It is the way all damage was coded to function since the ancient mythological times (read: TQ). The game was balanced around this behavior.
Now…if we want to get into bugs, the closest thing would be how converted Physical damage ignores this armor interaction…since it comes up so often.
That mechanic in itself is not a bug either due to the order of events on the backend. But if there were any aforementioned “bugs” we’d be fixing, I know which one I would address…
I almost had to like my first forum post. Barely dodged that one.
Probably the best solution, pleases both cadence and BA.
Apart from MQC, Slithbane and this coven pendant i can think of some niche MI’s such as:
- Basilisk Mark, RoS mod in particular - after MI mace was introduced it kind-a became redundant, and it even has +3 to NJE for some reason
- Korvan Gaze (it misses level 94 version for some reason) - it’s fine for levelling… and that’s it. MI helmets, except for Magi’s one are inferior to purple or epic ones.
and Venomancer’s Guile - the conversion is fine, mods duplicate venomblade’s hood.
/>Looking at Warborn set bonuses, Markovian Pieces, Rebuke, Safe Shield, Oleron’s hand, Temper, Physical Augments and 100 other things that i couldn’t remembered from the top of my head
/> okay…
What about them?
Other than none of you seem to understand how that armor interaction works.
Genuinly don’t know what can be wrong about them:
Thanks for zooming in on it for me, eyesight’s not what it used to be now that I’m in my 30s.
Please don’t be offended by grey’s zooming tendencies, he was born this way:
Click me indicates it’s getting worse.
I honestly have no idea what you have just said here, old man, are you acknowledging it’s a bug because engine is old? Or is Crate okay with it? Will you somehow fix some part of it?
Try changing its damage so that it is not outclassed by Balegor’s Crusher and maybe changing that proc into a WPS.
He’s making a point that you don’t understand what a “bug” in Computing is :
The code for how armour interacts with individual flat Physical damage does exactly what it is told to do how it was intended in TQ and was carried forward into GD.
Yeah, but maybe it worked back then but right now it feels like a bug because it makes small sources of physical damage (like augments and flat damage from items or sets or constellations) practically useless. Like make those flat phys armor augments give flat vitality damage then, since Gladiator’s belt is a staple of physical builds anyway. Like play around this “feature” or “bug” or whatever you want to call it.
Because devs acknowledge it, yes, but don’t do anything about all those useless flat physical damage bonuses.
One of the cool moves that was done, intended or not, is making those 10 flat pierce 50% to pierce/physical damage 70 da augments extremely valuable for Cadence builds wearing Crimson Claws (it also made Azraaka devotion more valuable because it also gives flat Pierce). Why not play around it some more?
Problem is a lot of Physical builds and numbers elsewhere have been balanced with the mechanic already. Shifting a lot of it to converted Physical like the Steelbloom Powder and several other sources is going to be a blanket buff to all Physical builds when a good number of them like 2-handed Physical builds don’t need it.
Not ideal either. Sure endgame Physical builds use Gladiator’s Distinction but making that a requirement for anyone levelling a Physical build that has yet to pick it up is silly.
Personally I think physical builds deserve it. They haven’t exactly shined in previous metas. Yes, had its moments, like Blade Arc builds, some tanky combos to kill Celestials with but not really spearheading the meta if you know what I mean (I don’t count retaliation builds because it’s a seperate mechanic in GD with its own balancing issues).
Safeguard? And uhh…?
The off node on Oleron’s constellation.
Put it on endgame gear and high level augments then, leave it on devotions. Surely something can be done.
I finished my acid Cadence build and I am surprised how bad it is. Easily the worst build I have played in a long long time. It can do SR 65-66 but just barely. Its damage output is very low. I won’t post it as a regular build, it would be easily my worst build. Balegor’s Crusher is better than Slithbane for now. With suggested changes from Zantai Slithbane will be a little better but it will still be underwhelming. Acid Cadence needs a lot more damage.
with passive buffs only
with Deadly Momentum and Fighting Spirit
DPS looks fine, total RR is up to -104 % but it so slow… It has both damage reduction and absorption. Crafting bonuses are to slow resistance.
Fire DEE is now better than 2H acid Cadence…
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