This is debatable. The skill mods to Belgothian’s Shears/Whirling Death and proc on Mad Queen’s Claw to me look super valuable and hard to replace. Would Wendigo Barb require some buffs to be a replacement for Witch Hunters?
How about having Mad Queen’s Claw support both Witch Hunter and Blademaster? There could be room for both with a skill bonus to something Soldier, something Nightblade, something Occultist.
Is there any Witch Hunter works good enough with MQC? Maybe I missed it seriously asking here. I was making one once, then decided not to. Ulvar made one, and it was a totally memish. In Dervish, 2x Misery works much better. WH doesn’t have an AA to properly work. So what keeps MQC being a Cadence sword?
btw, mods on MQC are meh, nothing outstanding, compared to the ones on spectral axe for instance. Proc is good, but since when did acid WH builds get enough OA to crit constantly?
Mine killed Ravager on HC, though it’s from last past and I would changes some things nowadays. It also did SR 80, but honestly I’m too much of a pussy to test stuff on HC.
I’ll give you that the Whirling Death mods are underwhelming but 36% weapon damage and 70% ADCtH to Shears while DW’ing looks decent to me but I’ll take your word for it .
Acid/Poison is one of the damage types that I rarely have a hard time stacking OA on, especially when you can go straight Eldritch/Chaos for your devotion path. Only argument I can think of is if you opt for damage procs like Scorpion/Guardian’s Gaze instead of big OA sources like Spider/Raven/Hawk.
Good one, surprisingly without an AA! this was my theorycraft with beronath’s fury. Though most of you are much better pilot than me and can handle more aggressive approach so mine is a safer with serentiy etc.
On the other hand without reaching %100 WPS those basic attack should be problematic on sustain. BS modifiers are really great but I think WD modifier is not worth anything. NHH with 1 point already close to giving same amount of flat in the example build.
I tried some theorycrafts and Slithbane’s damage is horribly low compared to Balegor’s Crusher and it isn’t even worth using for 2H acid Cadence. It absoultely needs that phys to acid conversion and even with that it may still be worse because the damage now is like 30 % lower with it. +4 to Cadence won’t save it because I got easily 24/26 Cadence without Slithbane. 2H acid Cadence also requires a lot of greens to build it.
Also generally for Cadence:
Gutworm’s Mark could get something like +100 physical damage to Cadence or give it 50 % WD to Cadence.
Crimson Claws gloves should get higher AS instead of average 13 % give it 16 %. And why is that pierce to phys conversion on it? Is it solely so that pierce builds don’t use it? It could have some better bonus to Cadence than this. % WD would be best or ADCtH.
Yes but that is only on the third hit not the other two. The same is true for aether. Acid also has this option. If there is no global conversion then DM is not converted for the other two hits.
and what made the difference is more RR and that aura (phys res mainly) on Bane even though Alkamos’ Sword has higher WD and global phys to cold conversion.
I have read many times on the forum that it only changes the third one. But it would be nice if it is all. Who really understands Cadence…
I think that the mechanics is such that DM is a global bonus and therefore it is converted only with global conversion but if Cadence has conversion then for the third hit that damage is converted because it is added as flat for that Cadence hit. Seen somebody somewhere say this (even many times).
I believe modifiers on cadence only convert flats on Cadence hit, so, in basic attack that prepares next cadence, DM buff will be only converted by global conversion. Tooltip doesn’t show probably because it shows the single hit cadence damage. But never tried a build with Cadence modifier before so can’t be sure.(oh except crimson claws; same applies there aswell.)