Suggestion to add "+5% block chance" on Mythical Collossal Grasp

Good day

I suggest to add “+5% block chance” on Mythical Collossal Grasp as compensation for loss of %physical resistance on this glove:

  1. Emberguard/Embergrip gloves get OA/DA instead of phys res (as far is i understand)
  2. Block chance fits nicely into shield-theme gloves, due to lack of retal damage/bonuses it’s not going to be used in retal builds, i think, and it will not be over-powered on physical damage builds like Blitz Warlord - nice bonus for sure, but not game-breaking and certainly it will not allow facetanking Ravager/Callagadra/SR 100+ because of that.

If you agree, please like so Zantai may take into consideration (hopefully :slight_smile: ).


As much as this seems like a good idea, I am a bit skeptical as I wouldn’t want to see a situation where only these gloves were used with shields.

However, if that turned out not to be the case, I would prefer to see block recovery instead. 10-15%?

Either way I do agree that there needs to be a little more added after the recent changes on the PTR.

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I’d also either go with block recovery, since it’s a pretty rare stat.


Block Recovery and + xx% damage blocked- these are also good alternatives.
Block chance was the most obvious for me, that’s why it’s good to discuss this in public.
Overall there are several mythical legendary and epic gloves which lost phys res, so making certain amount more shield-orientad (by way of adding block recovery, % damage blocked, % block chance) looks like a good idea?

With the recent changes to phys res and the removal of the 70% block dmg cap (IIRC) it put the use of shields in a better place, especially for HC players or those who aren’t as concerned about clear times in SR/CR.

Being that only one devo node has %recovery with solider mastery, it is a stat that should be made a bit more accessible.

Having non shield masteries reach a good position while using shields is a huge win for diversity. It also makes shield components a better choice which I would ask @Zantai to look at and update as they could use some modernization (which I believe was pointed out in another thread).

I already use off meta shields (for example using the one that gives %block and dmg blocked to Word of Renewal-IIRC) on my RoH silver sentinel tactician and this patch will make the character so much more viable. Looking forward when the patch is live.