Suggestion to remove conversion from Seal of the Void

I’ve made this suggestion a few times but that was long ago and things are different now. As of now, we have phys to chaos conversions for all 4 AA replacers, we have 30% phys to chaos on Occultist, 60% on Abom, and overall so many flat sources and conversions for chaos that hardly any chaos build makes a real use of them.

Instead, there are a lot of potential builds, both gimmicky and supported, that have this conversion spoil or outright ruin the build for them:
Physical Sentinel, Shieldbreaker, Cabalist, Archon at least for DW and SnB, and many more for 2H
Aether Paladin, Apostate, Defiler. Oppressor
Physical, Cold, Fire, Lightning Warders

Just about any melee or ranged build that doesn’t have an AA conversion mod and relies on global conversions or absence of conversions (physical and pierce).

Gear granted WPS are so essential for AA builds in this game, and it’s a little strange that the majority of builds use a chaos specific component, like they all are borrowing from a “correct” dmg type. The balance design in recent years moves away from the state where some weird gimmicks are the best options, and this universal usage of a chaos component to allow yourself to properly swing your weapons is just that.


I would take a step farther and change it to: “Suggestion to remove conversion from the game” :smiley:

Time and again I find a good item, which boosts my non-main damage type. This is useful - I think - but then I notice it also converts away from my main type. It would actually make me weaker, so I discard the item. A wasted chance for something interesting. Makes me feel I have to leave imagination at the main menu and play by the rules. Like devs predicted all possible paths and intentionally blocked some of them.

Where’s the randomness? Why can’t this item sometimes drop without conversion?

Seal needs nerfs if anything. It’s well out of line for the power that weapon components typically give.

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