Multiple UI Windows
I’m amazed we can only have one UI window open (outside of storage, vendors). This really bugs me and begs the question as to WHY not?! On multiple instances while leveling I wanted to see my DPS increase between a few skills before committing. Since we can only have one UI window open this becomes annoying as closing the window disables the “undo skills”. The year is 2016, why can’t we open multiple UI windows? -
Static UI
I wish I could move the main map window while I’m running towards a quest location or a point of interest. Too many times have I been unable to attack enemies that are ripping my face off while having the main map open. As a player I always want to see my character and every UI window disrupts that. So, why are the UI windows static? Please let us move the UI windows around. -
Attribute Reset
More freedom and options for the players and the game already has a skill reset NPC so why not just add an attribute reset item or NPC. I’d rather not resort to using a trainer/CE on a high level character. -
World Map POI
Limited vision regarding points of interest just seems counter intuitive of a map. We have a map and mark things on the map, why are they disappearing if our characters aren’t nearby said cave, shrine, rift gate? -
World Map Zoom in/out
Can we zoom into different zones on the world map? I’ve instinctively been trying to click on zones to find certain locations. Seems odd to not have this a zoom in/out feature in this era of gaming. -
Enemy LOS Aggro
I’ve noticed enemies running and attacking me while out of line of sight AND being behind a solid wall. I’m shuttering at the WoW vanilla vibes here. Please work on the enemy aggression framework. -
Skills striking enemies behind collision walls
More of a bug, but I’ve noticed skills that have chain effects like Primal Strike have struck enemies behind solid collision walls. Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended. -
Material/Component Stacking
When completing a component, the entire stack of said material will move to the space where the component completion occurred. Can the materials remain static and have the completion stack at the space where the parent material is? This would help with inventory management/organization. -
Devotion Search Feature
For a new player, looking at the devotion feature can be off setting. What about adding a search bar feature in the devotion window. Players can then search for stats they would like to obtain for their character. Have some sort of highlight feature around the devotions that contain the input search word(s).
Great game thus far, really enjoying the secret paths/treasures sprinkled around the world. I have more game oriented suggestions but that’s on the side of game development/story/quests. If any of the developers are interested, feel free to PM me for further discussion.