Summary of dev stream v0.8.0 upcoming features

Zantai revealed several things that will be coming with v0.8.0 in around a couple of weeks’ time. This is by no means everything that’s coming our way, just a few that he showed off/mentioned during the stream.

12 more new buildings mostly decorative. Fences do not improve desirability.

More tutorials

No console version

More detailed info on housing


Numerous upgrades to villager AI

Villagers will distribute themselves better re housing - may be in this patch or the next one.

Patch hopefully out in about 2 weeks

No campaign, always planned as a sandbox experience.

Tier 2 hunters - small carcasses now generate more meat. Ratio of meat is now in favour of T2 hunters.

Production limits on buildings


Profession window limits don’t reset when continuing a map.

Walls can now be priortised


Desirability info improvements

Milking enabled by default

Changes to the way gold is generated.

Raiders will be tougher on Vanquisher difficulty, but easier on Trailblazer and Pioneer

For previous FF dev streams info see this thread


I was wondering if its possbile to tear down useless walls or fences at once. If I try to do this, I can only pick one, click on demolish and then pick the next and so on. This is a boring task. Can anybody help me how to select a line of walls and tear them down?

Use the manage walls icon on the bottom right of the screen to highlight and choose to salvage.

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Thx for that. Reading helps :wink:

Hopefully you don’t mind me sharing this here :crossed_fingers::pray:


Crate addressing the Sand/Glass/Preserves ratios is a great relief.
Currently an entire map’s worth of sand can be consumed by just a few years harvest.
Well done.