Hey wanted to report quickly the achievement I was actually planning to earn in a normal way but it got bugged by the pet summonning orbs. Having 3 wind devils and clicking the spawn on orb(multiple multiple times) somehow I found myself with achievement for summoning 18 pets at same time when it was 5 in total.
fwiw i tried and couldn’t get it to trigger just spamming the orbs(thought maybe corpses counted), atleast not immediately/atm.
It’s possible you had other stuff factoring in?
(keep in mind it is possible to get it counted with totems/devotion other temp pets etc, -unsure if counts allies in MP tho)
even adding in blade spirit spam (on top of devil and orb spam) i couldn’t get it triggered
Interesting. Like I am saying there is no chance I could even have gotten close to 18th pet number, since I have wind devils so that is 3 + 2x orb(even with 4 totems it’s 9). I have lowered the time bodies stay on the ground that might be one more factor ? Maybe specifically one of the orbs is bugged did you use exactly the same kind? I spammed them with switching in between as well and really fast clicks.
Here is the build itself: Druid, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
One more idea I have maybe one of the buffs is like giving corpses status of living pet and counts it in ?
ye i tried all 3
maybe the devs can attempt different means unavailable to me, but atleast on appearance i couldn’t make it go just by devil/spirit or orb spam (or combined)
could easily be other factors or variable at play,
i think i have corpse persistence set high/max? maybe it’s different if set low, or if gore is on/off etc combinations i didnt’ check
15 with arcane bombs, but even then we’d be missing 3 somewhere, but it’s atleast getting closer
no clue, maybe?
Ohhhhhh Arcane bombs counts in as pet ??? That might be the case then. But I was doing it way past the time they could have possibly lived. Unless shattered realm when arcane bomb is left on some level is bugging it? I have no idea devs have to sit on this to dig it deeper. Though the arcane bomb theory is probable, maybe somehow I got it during the run but no achievement message popped up(or somehow I missed it, though it gives a sound that can’t be missed+screen shake and text pop up).
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