Summon Familiar (Mend Flesh/Storm Spirit)

It’s been suggested too many times to count, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Please, consider making the Storm Spirit skill an aura, or at least a large AoE buff. As the buff is running out, in the middle of combat, repeatedly click to move all my pets into a single location. The radius is so small that even doing that results in my hellhound missing out quite often.

Mend Flesh, I’m not sure how to fix. Perhaps in the same fashion, large AoE heal. Seems thematically not right though.

Hopefully it gets it. This bird’s gonna need to be deep fried before it gets enough grease, I’d say.

Love your suggestions, especially regarding the heal. The AI seems a bit too finicky about when and what it decides to heal, and frequently completely overlooks other pets. Revamping Mend Flesh into an aura that periodically pulses healing like the Healbot from Torchlight II could also be really cool. There’s just absolutely no reason to sink 16 points into it at the moment.

I loved the healbot!

I wouldn’t mind if the numbers get reduced in exchange for bigger radius. I’d rather have something than nothing.

At this point, I wonder if it is a technical issue that prevents this from being addressed. Sometimes my hellhound will get healed upon first casting, and then never heal again. I wish I know more about Pet AI so I could determine how it all works.