[Summoner] Terra Destroyer - The Unstoppable Meteor Summoner - Tetra Element Meteor - Crucible Ready

Hi TrajanJeebus,

Welcome to Grim Dawn Forum !

Would you please send me your current char grimtools link, you can easily upload it into Grimtools :

And then Link your build by clicking the 2nd button :

For your Save Location :

So I can have some visions for your Build :slight_smile:

Also my apologies, I don’t understand “the BAREBONES essentials”, perhaps you need to explain it to me little further

This is what I have after a rebuild. Originally I was spamming runes as my side attack while pumping toward devastation etc. I don’t have any good gear cause initially I didn’t understand how the gear system worked in terms of dps. I need to collect things. But I’m mostly trying to figure out where to allot my points.

As for barebones essentials, you said earlier that this build is flexible and many points are sort of just put where you would like them to be. I was wondering what points are NOT flexible, as in you need them to be efficient with this build :slight_smile:

Thank you for deciding to help :smiley:

Please pardon me for late response, currently still working with Blood Knights Builds.

Oh I see, so the barebones essentials that I mean is it’s flexible to put weapon component on this build, you can put dual riftstone for double chaos strike, or put Purified Salt for Aether Resist, or Imbued Silver for Chaos Resist, or any other components that suits you

Your gears are over the place, try looking for good offhand in the shop for faster Devastation CDR.

Here, I edit your grimtools : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1G0qzN

I don’t touch the gear, just reallocate skills points, Inner Focus is good for your dps, it increases spirit and OA.

These Builds Potential are the Full Aether Conversion.
You need this Purple and also the rings.
The non mythical one also works.

Try your luck here :

Hey there! Your build looks really interesting and I already have Decree of Aldrich so I wanna pursue your Mage Hunter build. Was just wondering what you think about a word of pain build vs a storm box build while levelling up. Most Inquisitor levelling guides I’ve seen suggest Word of Pain so I’m just curious as to why you suggested starting with Storm Box instead. Thanks!

Ok how do i level this where is the leveling guide?

Hi! Not sure if I can reopen this topic. In case, I apologise.

I would like to pursue this build but I have a few questions:

  • Since this is a Aether build, why do you use Star Pact instead of Reckless Power? SP gives some %cold/lightning and convert aether to cold, while RP gives %aether damage
  • The chest and the amulet convert aether in elemental. What determines who takes priority between the chest/amulet and the scepter/rings to convert the damage?

This build was made when Star Pact didn’t convert aether. Now Reckless power should be picked. Not sure, but I think the same applies to the items, I think they didn’t convert aether damage back then.

That makes sense, thanks! I’ll have to find something else then since I’m no expert enough to change the build😶