Summonner Ritualist 300k Pet DMG with buffs


Just tested my new Ritu build in Crucible/Gladiator. At wave 110 I had to stop because of lag but overall Ritualist is a great companion for Crucible -although not for solo- and can hold his line easily.

300k DPS translates to a MQ kill time of about 25+ seconds (Ultimate xpac MQ has 6.7M health plus multiple healing methods). That’s… not very fast, especially for a pet build.

Compared to other benchmarks for pet DPS:
Skelemancer: 10s (670k minimum DPS):
The Night King: 5s (1.3M minimum DPS):

Keep in mind that actual in-game DPS is always much higher than whatever the character sheet says. There are plenty of builds that only “show” DPS of 60k but can still kill the MQ in under 10-20 seconds.

I am more interested if a ritualist can be more safe in HC (considering bigger HP pool and more threat generation - if the last part might be useless)

I hade sfhobbit rainbow summoner build and it was a great boss killer but it died in the end. I always feel summoners are made of paper (even with Mark of Divinity and 2x Fiendflesh)

So yeah, waiting for a Ritualist with Beastcaller set for HC

Thanks for the replies, guys.

I am trying to make Ritualist great again, and this result was my top.

This is my build:

And yeah it gets slower by the crucible higher waves. Any suggestions?

That would be great. Which 2 weapons would you use?

I don’t know what happens if you use my build in HC, but it died when lag happened in wave 99 Gladiator. But I was too close to environmental dmg.
Note: I will test it further in Malmouth bosses and nemesis.

9k HP? u can get to 20000.

Ugh… strange segue. It depends on what you are trying for. You could always go thundercat and convert to lightning with stormbringer of malm, kel rings, etc. Which may be a pretty good choice because of Wind Devil in addition to the other lightning RR you could pursue.

I think the last time I was messing with ritualist I was pushing hard vitality with ravager’s bite, haunt relic, spiritbinder rings, etc.

I kinda got distracted with Diviner’s Vision on a Spellbinder and haven’t gotten back to tinkering with pet ritualist though so I don’t have a hard opinion about it currently other than CD reduction is probably even more disarable for pet ritualist than pet cabalist if you can get the DPS in a good place.

Oh, didn’t know that, how come? Total it’s like 10.5k but my resources divided between me and my many pets.

You are right, CD red is more important as I just tried MQ and got wiped with 10 skellies + 2 briathorns + 1 skel servant + blight fiend. LOL

Im currently using 2H axe (myth guardian) and physical dmg on my end, but if I could convert my pet physical dmg to 1 type and scale that, I would choose that kind of 2 weapons which i don’t know what would that be. 100% conversion.

Aren’t there some necro off-hands for cd reduction, btw? This why Crate would never allow 2 x weapons, i guess.

But also it is too hard to max pet resistances, so my current build need that too.

Pet ritualist is overall at kinda isnt the first choice it seems. But I like to play it as a Tactical Summoner, even if it’s not for high end game.

Well, stormbringer converts all to almost all vit damage to lightning, then spark of ultos gets you some pet phys convert, then a couple rings of kel gives you most of the time full pet conversion to lightning. That’s an old trick to monolithic pet damage output. Add in some celestial picks like arcane bomb, elemental storm, hand of ultos, etc., and combined with wind devil you should theoretically be able to get some really significant DPS on your pets. Stormbringer can also roll with very good CD red.

There’s a handful of ways to dual wield a pet ritualist. is one. is another.

Here’s the thing. Skellies may not be the toughest summons but I’ve done a semi-decent job showing they can be utilized in a more traditional pet manner with the right support and itemization. That’s with a cabalist. With a ritualist I wouldn’t even bother trying to keep them around and would wholeheartedly embrace DaShiv’s Night King approach. Treat them as DPS chaff to be regularly pumped into the battlefield. If you aren’t concerned with their survival but are instead focused on just endlessly producing them at a good rate it doesn’t matter how tough they are. They can still hit HARD which is what matters. Make some design decisions to further improve CD red and maybe pick up the hourglass celestial and you can experiment with this. Another approach I’ve dabbled with is to get pet ADctH up because if they are hitting hard enough frequently enough they’ll be healing at amazing rates. Anything over 10% pet ADcTH with good DPS is incredible if done correctly.

Good luck.

Thanks a bunch for suggestions and pointing me the right direction! This will be my next goal for sure. A lot to do. CD red is the priority.

Right now I’m testing to put Spectral Wrath (of Spectral Binding) into more RR.

But if I convert all pet vita dmg to lightning, these skills and transmuters for Vita RR will be useless. Wind Devil it is, then. Worth trying! Char design will completely change.

Thanks again, man! That was what I looking for and I appreciate it.

Very welcome. Hope you come up with something you really enjoy. :slight_smile:

Just remember not to overdo physical electro conversion. If you get %50 phys to vit from necro mastery you’ll only need %50 phys to lightning elsewhere.

If you want any real damage on a Ritualist you may may want to try this -

Soul Harvest capped in the Bone Harvest line, you want Blood Pact probably max’d for the flat Vitality damage, more points into Devouring, remove Conjure Primal Spirit as he is worthless remove all points back to 40 in Shaman, max Emboldening Roar, remove all Modrogens bar Heart of the Wild, remove all points from Bile Fiend and Briar bar 1, max Rotting Fumes, removed Blood Siphon as you have Wendigo, added a point for Reap Spirit as it procs Shepherds Crook perfectly, as far as I remember Blood Pact affects pets as long as they are in the totem radius

didnt touch your gear/devotions - but you need Dying God

When I played a Cabalist from 1-100 when AoM released I had a AHK macro to resummon skeletons so I never cared about them since they were always alive, resummoning pets has always been better than healing them since B28 when I started this game - just get enough energy regen and you have infinite pets

I enjoy the theory-craft part so much and hopefully the build ingame when it’s more badass xD

I came up with this:

Item Changes are Spark of Ultos, Stormbringer, Patron Mantle;
Devotions changed completely: Arcane Bomb, Time Dilation, Hand of Ultos, Giant’s Blood, Raise the Dead.

I use wind devils and full skill buff uptime with Time Dilation but only saw 100k on the dummy. And trash clear got significantly slower than before.

Now I’m more convinced that I need more greens, maybe MIs. Time to search grimtools.

Thanks for the tips! I will try those changes as my new pet damage is way less now. But I changed the build for lightning pet dmg. New build:

top 100k pet dmg with this. It’s less than 300k before. And I have no points for dying God. Let me try that one, too, though. Any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

You mean there should be only 1 pts on briar & fiend main skill?

EDIT: I did all the skill points suggestions, and my pet dmg dropped to 50-75k :frowning: with this build.

Btw, is there a link for AHK summon macro? I couldn’t find it in google.