Super Beam Boi - AAR Warlock

Basically a tanky version of AAR using the reworked Clairvoyant set, too lazy for making a proper presentation though

Current build :

Lokarr facetank (epic gamer moment) :


Cool build, how does it compare to a spellbinder ?

Using possession seems like a lot of wasted damage for extra tankiness, not sure if it’s better than spectral binding/harbinger of souls … i’d love blood of dreeg though … hmm choices choices.

Find it much better than a Spellbinder honestly, Harbinger / Reckless Power only give some aether modifier, you wouldn’t notice any change in the DPS so better go Possession (its damage absorb isn’t just some ‘extra tankiness’ by the way).

CoF gives a bit less RR than Spectral Wrath but covers the whole map for 12 sec, which is much more efficient. Also wouldn’t wanna lose BoD’s 12% phys resist. Warlock wins hands down imo ^^

That bird is questionable as fuck, imo.

Also, I’d rather go Phoenix than Nature’s guardian, as % damage absorption is multiplicative, so you effectively have ~42% damage absorption. Not saying it’s bad, it’s good, but Phoenix would be way better here, imo (might have either the same or higher value of absorption in some cases). But in the end it comes to preferences. :smiley:

With all of Lokarr’s AoE, yeah it doesn’t seem very effective but it seems to heal as soon as it’s summoned again, which is better than nothing I guess :stuck_out_tongue: also it tends to get away from the fights usually and heals from a distance without taking aggro so

Yes Phoenix looks pretty good as well, but would lose some DA and a few useful things like slow resist and run speed. Preferences indeed :slight_smile:

Looks nice; I was trying to fiddle around with stuff last night for a warlock as well but found the aether conv~ to doom bolt was awkward. I tried to half-ass theory craft a transmuter AAR but unfortunately I’m not very experienced with builds and just came up with something like this basically ( trying to do a bit of everything basically pin wise as the aether from doombolt made it weird…could convert over the vit to chaos with gloves but then your just playing musical chairs with the damage types and end up no where…lol )

May end up going with spellbinder anyways…tho warlock does seem more thematically appealing for the set lol

the bird was a neat touch tho; a portable heal bot as long as it lives long enough in battle, haha

That sounds good. I tested Cruseble with a few changes based on your constellation and it was stable.:wink: