Super Build, 3min 30s Slaughtered Avatar of Mogdrogen Ver.1006

to all who thinks conjurers are OP. I play one in a classic style - 4 permanent
pets - in hardcore mode with pretty good endgame gear and it ís defintely not
overpowered. I can be killed any time, if a receive a good critical hit.
Have you really played one, or are you just jealous? And if you have played
one, did you play it in hardcore mode?

This build here makes use of a “gap” in the game-mechanic. Especially
with a lot of offensive ability and he makes use of the devotions quite good.
And I dont want to play his style in hardcore. Take a look at the highest damage he has received…

Normal conjurer builds with standard legendary pet equipment have a good
clear speed, but are not invicible facetank killers, definetely not.

regards Arkon

I don’t know what to say if it isn’t OP. May be I can’t get other classes good enough in compare with this conjurer build and if some class isn’t that good.
They should be buff until someone can kill avatar of mogdrogen in 3-5 mins too right?
Do every class build should be buff until killing nemesis <10 secs and Mog in <5 mins easily or can facetank to anything without drinking any potion till end of 150th wave crucible?

I think nerf is to keep the game still fun, feel challenge and not easier than it should be.
The nerf mechanic I know is it’s not likely to nerf at class, but items to change the use or make it give benefit to some not popular build instead
So I don’t think it may nerf at conjurer if not neccessary, may be at core items or some other mechanic instead.

I understand if someone who play it think it’s not OP and have a hard time customize it, but I recommend you to play other class those don’t popular and don’t have crazy build yet. You’ll see the different.

At his dmg received record. I guess that is in his old version before getting this build. As you’ll see in his resistance and his 3rd char page with 32 physical resistance and other disable resistance. It’s quite high. And as he rated himself in the post

Hardcore mode doesn’t matter for judging a build. It’s just a choice for those who want a challenge and can accept permanent death. Everyone who play HC should well prepared and accept risk.

Nice timer, fastest solo kill i have seen i guess :x

i’ve heard the same speculation but whether it’s a fact is yet to be confirmed. however it’s our purpose to post it up if it requires future balance, even if it gets a nerf.

we hope it is more balanced rather than not.

hc is a totally different scenario for a lot of builds. they require different methods of building and farming.
the player who built this is currently on a HC experience. So far he is still alive and with his understanding of pet bd, there’s a really good chance he can survive to the end.

Well , that highest damage is formidable. but it was done probable during the process while he was still adjusting the build.

Mogdrogen is not really a baseline for tuning purposes as he requires some very special preparation, though obviously if something can wreck him very easily there may be adjustments required.

Thank you for outlining your build.

There will in fact be some adjustments made, primarily to Primal Instinct and the Glyph of Kelphat’Zoth. But in the end, the effort required to achieve such a refined build should still feel rewarding.

Bugs of Primal Instinct making damage more than common Builds!

thank you zantai. This is why we share, we all want this game better and better. we love it, great game!

Is there chance in the future to further modify arcanist? Majority of good caster BDs so far somehow are always relating to devastation. like it’s a must-choice rather than a selection. as someone who’s really fond of caster, i do hope to see it become more diversified. currently it’s very limited, to be fairly saying.

thank you

Nice build, and very nice Mog kill.

There are other builds/setups as powerful if not more so in this game, and I suspect a lot of players aren’t sharing them due to the history of these types of builds getting nerfed after posting mogdrogen kill videos. So I can’t confirm or deny whether I know of or play any such builds myself =P. Maybe if the community reaction wasn’t ZOMGWTF NERF!!! More people might be more forthcoming.

If these people are indeed killing the avatar so easily and are not posting their build setups, then they don’t have any right to complain about balancing decisions made by Crate in future patches, or even the lack of proper balance, because that would make them hypocrites, plus technically, they’re hiding something that is broken from them :stuck_out_tongue:

this build doesnt seems OP to me, its true that he has a decent monotarget dps, but i have seen his crucible video and ~8 mins timer for wave 140-150 isnt OP at all.

How many mins timer for 140-150 is normal?

There is something that feels terribly, terribly wrong to me to respond to this build instantly with a nerf. There is a side of me that agrees that it is op, but something feels terribly wrong with development priorities!

How many level 85 (the absolute level cap) build ideas (what percentile) can beat ultimate Mogroden in a reasonable time, say 20 minutes (which is excruciatingly long and requires a masochistic player, but he is a god after all), let alone 3 minutes?

What percentile of level 85 build ideas can solo 150 waves of gladiator without even considering bonus timers and scores?

If the answer is incredibly, incredibly low, then the game is offering content so difficult to beat that only a few can do it while many will find it hopeless without restarting all over again with a whole new character. This is not a game where you want this to happen! It’s a build-oriented game where difficulties follow a linear progression (they’re not chosen, they’re the next step in the content after clearing a former difficulty – ultimate is different content from veteran, and not merely a way to escalate challenge) so having only the smallest fraction of the user base with very, very precise outlier builds able to beat the most difficult content is really just putting a giant spotlight on the game’s design/balancing failures to make enough builds viable for its content.

That’s the reason why seeing this immediately as a highlight for nerfing seems seriously messed up to me from a priority standpoint. If anything, I think more builds need to be buffed so that a wide range of reasonable build choices from players who really understand the mechanics and don’t choose anything clearly sub-optimal for that build can beat the game’s content. Certainly someone who makes sub-optimal novice choices for a build shouldn’t be able to beat a god or withstand the most difficult arena possible, player skill should be rewarded, but many of the people who make optimal and smart, well-studied choices for a build and invest a lot of time to power it up shouldn’t face an impassable brick wall.

The first and foremost balancing question should be against the game’s content. Are there enough builds that can clear it, or are there too few? If too few, that doesn’t seem like the right time to get all tweaky and dial things down a little bit with nerfs among the few builds that can clear the content.

After a wide enough range of builds can simply beat ultimate Mogroden in a reasonable time and a wide enough range of builds can simply survive 150 waves of gladiator, maybe then is it time to consider nerfing if someone is having too easy of a time doing it.

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Perhaps a bit of an over-reaction. Zantai already made it clear enough in his post how he views it.

Their approach seems level-headed enough to me and he isn’t out to crush your builds.

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Just as a clarification I’m not interested in my builds. I’m not even looking at this like a player and don’t even have interest in pet builds so much.

My worry is just from a designer perspective in keeping the game feeling like there’s a wide variety of builds that can clear its content. It’s the key I see to keeping this game fresh and popular for years to come, especially beyond the most devoted fans, and I like the game too much to see it grow stale. Having too few builds that can do this or that means there’s too little effective variety of choices. A game can seem to have infinite variety of build/design choices but one that quickly makes it apparent that too few can succeed (easily or not) is the one that can most quickly feel exhausted.

That’s the whole point of balance when considering fun factor which should be the ultimate goal. Healthy balance means there’s a wide range of ways to succeed that people continue to explore and explore.

I’d love to see it being played again and again in the following decades as with Diablo 2, and my reaction is a bit knee-jerk but only because I don’t think there are a wide range of ways to beat ultimate Mogroden in a reasonable time or solo 150 waves of gladiator. The viable options to do that seem extremely limited, and some of them already seem scheduled for a nerf.

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When I said “your builds” it was more a generalization directed at, well anyone, not just you specifically :wink:

Guess it just depends on your personality and what you like. I’ve been playing for the past 3 years (single-player) and am clocked at around 6300 hrs (been playing mostly offline lately so I think I’m technically nudging closer to 7k).

For me it has more than enough staying power and if you observe the forum and note the “regulars” who interact in many of the posts, probably a good indication they’ve been playing (and likely still are) quite a bit as well.

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Admittedly so, I’m very biased and often guilty of repeatedly comparing GD to Diablo 2 since a lot of its appeal to me is from the standpoint of seeing it as the closest thing to a modern successor.

For me it has more than enough staying power and if you observe the forum and note the “regulars” who interact in many of the posts, probably a good indication they’ve been playing (and likely still are) quite a bit as well.

That part I agree and my attempt at critiques wouldn’t be applicable if I didn’t see and enjoy the same staying power.

For example I complain a lot about the game’s item design and loot because there’s something I hate, which is the amount of inapplicable loot collected for a particular build (to the extent that I feel like, even among over 20 characters I’ve created, half the stuff I collect isn’t useful to a single one of them).

But that complaint has a side that maybe I should focus on more, which is nothing but compliments. The reason the game has this problem is because it allows a very, very diverse range of builds. The irrelevant loot problem is the problem of having items too narrow in purpose matched with the maximum diversity of character builds (excluding gear choices). It becomes apparent each time a ranged demolitionist collects a 2-handed crossbow only to find it deals poison and gives skill bonuses to occultist and nightblade, e.g. This is a problem Diablo 2 never suffered to anywhere near the same extent because it allowed limited build choices with generalized loot that applies to many builds, making even a poison crossbow useful to any bow amazon and sometimes even to other classes, e.g. It’s part of the reason there were players still farming 10 years later as I see it. They weren’t collecting irrelevant stuff that would require creating new character after character after character to find any use.

Yet that maximum diversity of character builds is one of the reasons that has me creating my 26th character and taking it all the way to ultimate and beyond and repeating the same damned quests over and over while trying to improve run speed to reduce monotony. It’s addictive as hell, and the game has no problems there to me. There it’s one of the places that deviates from Diablo 2 in a way that outshines it in my opinion, it just kind of leaves some loot/item/farming issues behind.

So there’s a tremendous amount of staying power, I’d agree. My interest is just maximizing it – from balancing to gear thoughts to making it take much longer to reach level cap, they all relate to the desire to maximize and extend staying power as much as possible.

Nerfing on its own doesn’t bother me that much. I just pretend the game is still in beta and we’re still testers, that the game hasn’t reached a really stable release just yet. No problemo, that’s kind of interesting with a “contribute to the growing development of this unfinished game” vibe. It’s mainly nerfing combined with no seemingly clear attempt to make a wider range of builds viable to reasonably clear the hardest content (ultimate Mogroden and now 150 waves of gladiator solo) that bugs me. It’s the coupling of these two that gives me a knee-jerk reaction that something isn’t being steered in the right direction, that I could wait 2 months from now and perhaps still perceive the same gross imbalance problem. Imbalance to me is at its grossest when there’s too few builds that can even survive/clear content in any sane fashion. It’s not as bad when enough builds can clear the content and a few can just do it a bit more efficiently.

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i think i get misunderstood, 8 mins is already decent timer, but for me OP timer is 4-5 mins.

Harder is the challenge, the less build can compete here and this is a natural things, speaking about diablo 2, take uber tristram for exemple, not that many build perform well here if you ask me.

Agreed, but Uber Tristram was a newer idea to Diablo 2 and post-expansion. There were things in D2 post-expansion that I felt weren’t quite right, like the introduction of sets. But sets are another thing for me (I’m personally not a fan). Some of the newer ideas in Diablo 2 post-expansion were starting to approach some aspects of what I find unappealing in Grim Dawn to an uncomfortable degree like suddenly starting to feel like stash space was too limited (but not anywhere close to the extent of GD).

On Uber Tristram, the key thing about Diablo 2 that we cannot ignore that makes it incomparable to GD is that virtually no one reached the level cap. It took ages to get a single level up from level 90 onwards, and still an incredible grind from level 80s.

As a result even if your build struggled in Uber Tristram, chances are your character wasn’t level 99, not even close. You had something to work towards at least to improve your odds. Maybe other builds could have an easier time than yours at lower levels or without as much great gear (without grinding as much, effectively) because they were stronger and D2 was far from perfectly balanced, but you still had the option to level up for ages and ages to make your build better and better. Your character build was far from exhausted and as powerful as it could be, so to speak, and there was an incentive to keep going and going with that build until you could overcome those toughest hurdles the game threw your way. As long as there was that sense that every reasonable build had a fighting chance to overcome Uber Tristram, that was far, far more balanced than GD in its current state. A game where some builds merely seem to require less grinding (less experience levels, less ultra-rare gear) to beat content than others is nowhere near as imbalanced as one that makes it clear that a lot of builds will never clear content no matter how much they grind.

If Diablo 2’s level cap took one week for me to reach (let’s say level 65 to compare to 85 in GD where leveling up is generally faster), I’d say Uber Tristram is a very bad idea to introduce as it would only highlight OP builds for developers to consider nerfing while making it crystal clear to a lot of players that their build will never clear that content as is.

That’s where the game had so much incentive to keep going with an existing character as I see it which I feel is far more lacking in this one (though this one gives tremendous incentive to create a boatload of characters, but that too is lost if only few become too obvious as being effective enough to clear content).

In this one it takes even me (not a great player) a measly week to get to level 85. And I could be wrong but I’d say for a lot of perfectly sane builds, even if you equip them with BiS gear, they’re not going to be clearing Mogroden in 20 minutes let alone 3, and not many are even going to be able to survive 150 waves of gladiator. At that point the build is hopeless at clearing the content. It doesn’t even have a glimmer of hope, it can’t level up any further, it can’t find better gear that will turn things around if it’s already equipped with BiS or close which took ages to acquire.

Now it’s getting really scary. 4-5 mins to clear out wave 140-150? really? even within my circle of gamers who are relatively good players, 4-5mins is just beyond reach. if we even the time out to 10 waves, that means 30s is required to clear one wave.

with the help of simple math, we can conclude impossible- mission.