A homebrew already solid build, but as I’m inexperienced in GD super lategame, I don’t really know how to improve it further. It does SR35 and Calla in 3m45s with mid piloting, but when I die it is to freeze/entrap and oneshots (Moosi and Benn’Jhar as example), so pushing further in SR is pain. I’m sure we can take it even further with some tweaks, but can’t see the way myself. This is also my first DOT build so the playstyle and itemisation is new to me, I’m probably falling into many traps. Ones I think I see are not enough procs maybe, not enough phys res, maybe not enough crit and OA?
The build revolves around Gutripper and Goredrinker’s Mask, with Mog Wolf+Huntress+Kraken+Unknown Soldier as super greedy devo picks I’d like to keep. My own considerations are for Massacre instead of Deathstalker, and Gladiator’s Distinction for Guthook Belt, but cannot tell which are better.
Greens are pulled from my collection to fix resistances, DA, and boost OA. Ring Choice for -x Reduced Res mainly, but also nice health regen and the proc
I don’t see the point of Wolverine. Probably better to take Owl and crossroads or something.
I’d also think you want more points in the Savegery main node. Probably take from Oak Skin, maybe Haven?
Howl of Mogdrogen is not assigned, I assume you’ve got that assigned in game?
I’d put rend on savagery probably, since it has no cooldown. Put howl on something else.
You shouldn’t have an issue with freeze as it’s already at max resist. Trap can be… but I don’t know where to fix that
Whoops I linked old version whilst tweaking it, updated link to what it should have been. I always forget to gen the new link properly on GT. Anyways, Mog Wolf is bound to Violent Delights rune ingame, that shows now
Yeah Wolverine is a remnant of when I was struggling for DA. I glossed over that entirely, good idea to swap that out, this does feel better. It is 130 less DA than Owl, but it still feels like enough.
Maxing Savagery however is confusing. I only use it for the mutator and Tenacity of the Boar buffs, only weaving in shots between casts for upkeep. Am I missing something? I don’t believe its worth it
Ah ok. I thought that was your main source of damage together with vire’s might. If you don’t whack stuff then it’s not worth it. What do you use for damage? Vire and Violent Delight?
Yeah the damage from Vire’s, Vilent Delights and random procs have been enough to get by. That is why I liked Massacre relic too though and am considering its better than Deathstalker, it adds another juicy proc to the pile.
I’ve also just realised the Completion Bonus on the relic is autoselected, wrong, and not completed in-game but still contributing to the stats page on GT and misleading me, big whoops, that changes things a bit at least for now. Gonna try Massacre out some more and see if that -10% bleed res on Deathstalker is really worth it or not
Edit: ok well SR 36 with average modifiers now “clearable” but with several deaths so not really gonna count that as a victory. Build is slightly better but still can’t push much further, feel like any phys attacks just chunk too much, and a shame Deathstalker seems mandatory with that bleed rr
Did you try maxing out wendigo totem since you ve got this nice 100% healing increase?
Also it’s good to have 1 point in wind devils for their 26% impaired aim and you can bind falcon swoop to them.
And it would be nice to have prismatic diamond component for some flat absorption, without it you are very vulnerable to high sr projectilers.
The single pointer into Wind Devils for the impaired aim is a good shout, that’s a debuff I’m missing and overlooked (got no OA shred either, but can’t see a worthwhile way for that).
Wendigo Totem is barely ever actually in range of me with this playstyle. Its fine atm as a 1 pointer for the occasional heal and buffs, but it’s not consistent enough to warrant any more than that imo.
Yeah Prismatic also good change, its something I thought I couldn’t fit in before when my Aether res was really ass, but now thats fine I can fit it in easy without sacrificing much at all.