Super Safe HC Blood Knight

Oh…So easy… ?? :slight_smile:
And i was searching about 1 hour what is going wrong here with me :slight_smile:
Thank you very much mate…
By the way today i completed hardcore veteran mode and started hardcore elite mode
Your build is very strong really…
Congrats once again

GJ on clearing veteran. Work on your resist before starting elite. I’d also suggest to use Physical/Trauma dmg build for DK with Cadence/Shield + Targo hammer till you reach lvl 94, cuz there are no good low lvl items for vitality/aether builds.
I’ll write detailed lvling guide in the future

Oke still following your build then :slight_smile:

Hey man…
How are you ? :slight_smile:
I have a question for the devotion points again about this spec…
I have reached 55/55 points and i am 94 lvl now…
The problem is that your spec that you are listed in that build is that it has more devotion points than 55/55 i think cause i copy pasted your spec and cannot put on the chariot of the dead any points…
I am empty of points and cannot put any on the chariot of the dead…
Is there any trick that i don’t know like the previous time i had a same problem?
Any help for this?thx :slight_smile:

Hello sir, how to setup gears vs ravager??? Thanks:eek:

Can’t help you, i used exactly 55 devotions …

First of all you have to max out Menhir’s Will.

After updating my Laptop i’ve lost this and all other Grim Dawn saves :frowning: