Surprised by the Phys Resist change to Bleed Pet Conjuror - 61% to 28%

Hopped aboard the PTR train today and took my existing classes for a spin. The most notable change is to my Bleed Pet Conjuror - killing things seems about the same or slightly faster, but it’s physical resist absolutely dropped through the floor - from 61% to 28%, fully buffed.

Maybe my itemisation was just a perfect storm but that’s a massive drop. More than halved. Definitely feels squishier in 75-76 SR, not to the point where it was a difficult completion but it’s obvious it will need a fairly substantial reitemisation and potentially a significant devotion review once the PTR changes are finalised in order to continue to be comfortably viable in 85+.

Two things there:

  1. This was part of the % Phys Resist rebalance. Monsters lost a lot of physical damage to compensate.

  2. We do not tune around extreme SR runs, so if you want a “comfortable” SR85+, then yes, you will need to make some concessions.

Some builds had a very easy time stacking excessive amounts of Physical Resist, which trivialized a lot of content, including high SR levels.