
I can agree with that. More is just better anyway, specially with a exploration sandboxie game.

I see that modding is a thing with it now. Haven’t peeked into it yet tho to see what people have been doing with it.

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So I’ve been digging around a bit today. There is actually a whole lot going on with Starbound but you need to be running Unstable and then opt into the Nightlies to witness it.

Oh and here’s your magic:

If you do Nightlies they have this weird system where a lot of stuff is actually gimped purposely and you need to use either admin codes (console commands) to make the game play properly or download and use the Nightly Fix mod (which I recommend)

If you do this you will see all the new stuff including you get to see race specific new intro starting scenarios (hint: you don’t just start in your ship).

I seen some chatter and speculation between people who seem to think it’s very possible that official release may be next month.

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…puts an entirely different complexion on the situation.

You have pleased me, powbam. When the Ginger Wars come, I will have your life spared.

Ya. The difference is pretty noticeable on the Nightlies. Combat and controls feel a lot better.

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The Starbound thread is all about Terraria.

The Terraria thread ended about Starbound.


1.3.3 Released today: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/pc-1-3-3-changelog.48916/

This kind of dedication to a game 5 years after release is really remarkable.

I don’t understand the Fanboy’s who have to talk down either Game. I hear about complaints about Starbound, due the “lack” of content compared to Terraria. Obviously it doesn’t have as much Content as Terraria, due the fact that its already finished FOR YEARS. Compare Vanilla Terraria with Starbound, i played Terraria back than, and Terraria have nowhere near the same amount of content like Starbound have as now. It not even had Hardmode back than and it took at least a half year(if i remember correctly) as the first big Content-Update was released.

Of course there are these folks which claim(and that argument is heard so often in MMO’s as well): “But…but…but… the Dev’s could have learned from Terraria. Its no execuse that they only offers a bit more content than Terraria back than…” Do you guy’s really believe, this has something to do with Experience? Content isn’t delivered due Experience, but moreover the time which is spent. Obviously; experienced developers, can develope in a more efficient way, which also cause less time which have to be spent, but not in that sense that you compete contentwise with an finished Game, which have gotten alot of updates over Years. People should not forget that develope(and in Case of Starbound also overhaul) core Mechanics etc can be more time-consuming than the Content itself. The Problem which Starbound have gotten throug was, that actuall beside some exception the Game was finished could’ve already seen as promised/finished, but Tiy (as well the Playerbase) wasn’t happy with the outcoming of the Concept so they had to overhaul the complete concept. Thats also the Reason, why compared to the Beta also some content is missing, but i’m sure it will be reintroduced in the future with Content-Updates.

If you ask me, Starbound 1.0 is an amazing outcoming, maybe not within the quantity which seems to be important for alot of players, moreover due the fact they did an very solid and amazing job for the “Base-Game”. I would say, they should still deliever updates(which seems to be the case), because it still have a lot of potential and can be filled with content, however i’m very happy of what i’ve gotten and this is one, beside Grim Dawn(Early Access) and Divinity Original Sin one of the Games, where i happily spent my money early on and trusted the developers.

Compared to Terraria i would say, i prefer Starbound over Terraria, because for me the Game is featurewise a bigger package and offers more variety in gameplay. Except Fighting and Building you can make your own farm, colony, explore the universe and planets, have story missions and lore etc etc. However i wouldn’t compare Terraria with Starbound that much anyway. Both have an different Focus and different Target Audience. Terraria is for that way more Combat-Heavy and more RPG-ish, why i enjoy and like both of them.

I also can’t wait for Terraria Otherworld as well Terraria 2. I like the Artstyle of Terraria Otherworld, even though its so different than Terraria, also i like this Tower-Defense concept very much. And Terraria 2 will be sure amazing too!

Starbound 1.0 took over three years to release with a dev team of over 10 people and doesn’t contain even half of the content they claimed it would. They even removed a massive amount of content one update before final release.

Terraria took four months with a team of three and delivered exactly what they promised and then some.

Take your high horse and go back to Chucklefish where it belongs.

Also, Starbound’s mechanics, UI, combat, balance, and even coding are astonishingly poor. Terraria does all those things right, and it didn’t take them 5 years. Like Stg said: 4 months. The basics were always there. They got the big things right, and then built on them.

Starbound’s basics flat-out suck. It doesn’t matter how much “content” they have now or might in the future.

1.3.4 out now.

Considering Dungeon Defenders is my highest played game on Steam (according to recorded hours), this is extremely good news. I didn’t think they would keep adding content like this. I expected something small like bug fixes or more wiring options.

Never got the hang of it play for like 15 mins then played minecraft

If you only play a game for 15 minutes, you’ll never get the hang of it.