Terrible input lag on buttons


Since I have switched my 60Hz monitor to a 165Hz gaming one I am noticing terrible input lag on buttons (for instance for clicking on a corrupted shrine to start). This is not a big issue because the game runs fine for me but I am curious to know if anyone has experienced this. I have tried running the game with vsync on and gsync compatibility mode. No real difference. Both modes run well but with the mentioned lag.

BTW screen resolution is 720p - Shadows disabled, weather disabled, AA disabled, AF disabled.

I always had this, clicking on shrines and blacksmiths especially. I thought my computer performance is low but I don’t know for sure, game mostly runs well(not quite good of course, my pc is a bit old but I have i7 with 16gb ram, gpu is ratherly bad for games though). Btw I notice something that when shaders option is low and other options on medium, game is troubling on fps yet shaders is medium and lighting, particles etc is on low is better fps. I use these settings for now, but when I play with a character which has more skill effect, I put particles on low too.


This happens with laptops sometimes. It’s probably a large part of your problem.

Navigate to this location …

…and open the options.txt and find this line and change it to the correct value of your displays refresh rate - probably 60hz:

… for which you would change it to 60000. Also, if you want better performance with that old ass mobile gpu then I recommend you enable Deferred Rendering in GD’s options.


Thanks, I always had weird numbers there and didn’t know what they meant

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Oh, okay thank you very much. I didn’t know that, thank you I’ll change it right away and try it. But how about deferred rendering? I read that, enabling it affects performance a little bit so I let it stay disabled.

More than a little bit and definitely not in a bad way.

Grim Dawn Version

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Wow, the whole appereance of the game changed, my eyes need time to adjust the new refresh rate I guess. It seems better, now I’ll enable the deferred rendering and try again. Then probably a little experiment with increasing the video options one by one to maximize the quality without giving on performance. I hope it doesn’t fry my old gpu fella :slight_smile:

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To make double sure that GD is properly utilizing your 750M and never the integrated card I would recommend creating a game profile in the Nvidia Control Panel, like so:

…and forcing it to use the correct GPU. Also shown in the screenshot I have Image Sharpening marked. If you use Deferred Rendering with AA enabled you may want to use Nvidia’s Image Sharpening to smooth it out as DR w/AA tends to make the game a little blurry and this will nullify that happening.

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I was just noticed that enabling deferred rendering also automaticly enabled the AA which after I realized I turned it off, I don’t how how disabling AA affect the deferred rendering though. For the clarification, AA is bad for performance due it overwhelms the gpu right? Especially a granny old gpu like mine. :smiley:

And if I’m not using AA enabled, do I still need to create a game profile?

It can be but DR AA and non-DR AA both use different forms of AA. DR AA utilizes a less intensive, lower quality AA known as FXAA (which is what is responsible for the blurriness that occurs).

Naturally you can leave it disabled on it if you choose to for maximum performance. Either way I would still create an Nvidia GD profile to force it to always use the correct GPU. Mobile GPU’s are notorious for being problematic with some games and reverting to using the integrated GPU instead of the more powerful discrete GPU (which in your case is the 750M).

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I always prefer performance over quality, which my nvidia settings are also on the performance side but they were general, you are saying customize the grim dawn setting if you are using AA right? So no need the customize if I’m not going to enable AA.

If you are referring to using the Image Sharpening then yea, no need to use that setting if you are going to leave DR AA disabled.

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Okay, thank you really. You enlightened me :smiley:

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But what about my original question: input lag on buttons? The game runs fine for me. I also have deferred video rendering enabled. i7 5960-x and 16 GB DDR4

What’s your GPU? If you use Nvidia then you might want to consider using the setting in the Nvidia CP…

Try playing around with either the On setting and the Utlra setting to see how they perform. The setting that Nvidia had that dealt with latency/input lag used to be a bit different and it was recently changed to what you see there now.

And have you double checked the hz in-game of your resolution selection (as shown in fords screenshot above) to be sure you aren’t encountering the same problem? It needs to be set at the correct setting of what your monitor is capable of.

Yes. Resolutions seems okay, at least its Hertz number. What I am seeing is that resolutions appears twice. I don’t know why. I will check Low Latency Mode in nVidia CP later.


PS - I forgot to add my graphics card is Gigabyte GTX 1070 (Pascal).

OK. I have solved it. For some reason, AF 16x was enabled and was indeed causing input lag. Now I have to tinker with graphics options to be able to run at native 1920x1080 resolution, because every other one looks like crap.

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Cool. Wonder why it’s causing input lag tho. I pretty much always have AF @x16 and have no input lag (w/ a GTX 960).

Thanks for all the advice powbam, my game is looking much better now! I don’t have the Image Sharpening option in my Nvidia Control Panel, but that may be because I haven’t updated it in a long time.

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Glad it was of benefit. Image Sharpening was added in with the 441.08 driver update (Released 10/29/19).