The Dawnbreaker - Mace and Shield (retaliation/deflection)


Disclaimer: This build has been made with GDSidekick. It has not been leveled and such.

Hi guys,

I am still in the process of making this build, but I feel like i need to post something here or else I’ll never post it hahaha.

Anyways its pretty sick. I have some gameplay linked below (dated, new build is already stronger).

First draft of the build:

Second draft of the build (My health went down fast because I am still missing some resistance augments for vitality, but even then I didn’t die):

Keep in mind that this will be a build thread and not a guide thread. I’ll post my gear, abilities and some other stuff, but not stuff like leveling, alternates, etc.

Lucky you have the shield… It is the only thing I am missing of the dawnbreaker set… :frowning:

I’m actually in the process of making a build similar to this right now. Level 65 in Elite atm and I’m pretty much face taking everything with little to no trouble killing anything.

Can’t wait to see a more refined version from you :wink:

Tried some stuff, out. I tried malediction because of the great retaliation, but then I realized:

Everything that slows an enemy down is BAD. So basically the set skill of dawnbreaker is bad for us.

If the enemy is slowed, they attack slower and thus hurting out kill speed. If the enemy is confused (dawnbreaker ability) they don’t hit us and thus hurting out kill speed.

I could see a build happening where one is using shield with retal/deflect and another person is using bloody pox with its modifier.Would be funny.

I can fix that for you…

You have THE shield?

I probably don’t have anything I can offer in return…

But, if you want to discuss, add me on steam: Grimz (Avatar says Outlast with black background)

Next video:

So here I demonstrate our survivability. I didn’t have all my augments equipped and took more damage than I usually do and even then I don’t die.

Build is being changed again and again, but so far so good.

in combat I have about 5500 armor…dunno how overkill that is, but yeah. Also about 2,5-3k health regen.

I’m actually planning to use only 3 part dawnguard because of that. Instead I’ll use a full set of the justicar armor to compliment the retaliation damage by getting that awesome 1k+ fire retaliation from the set bonus. Of course I’m not exactly there yet to see if it works out. but lets hope so :stuck_out_tongue:

Any updates on this? looking forward to see your version of this build

Currently, I use the full Dawnbreaker’s set, and it works pretty well. Every now and then, there are a few monsters that get mind controlled, I just keep beating them.

I can upload screenies later, not at my comp right now.

I am not the best of the best, but it survives really well, just takes a lil extra time to kill hero casters.

Yeah id be interested to see what build you go for, I currently have a hardcore warder around level 50 and want to be as tanky as possible and these types of builds seem the best.

Hey, love all the work you are putting into builds. Just wondering if there was a grimcalc for this build? I’m not blind am I?

Cheers, keep up the awesome work.

I stick with 3 pieces of Dawnbreaker’s (Weapon, shield, shoulders). With my current setup (I’m only 70 atm, I’m at +945% retaliation and 120% damage reflect base. I still have two more pieces to upgrade to at 75 that should bump my retaliation damage, but my max so far is over 113k to a target.

Grimcalc please?

I really enjoyed the stormcaller guide. Ready to try a new class and playstyle. Will there be a similar set up for this?

OK OK, I’'ll be updating this build tomorrow. No delaying the stuff anymore.

Looking forward to it :smiley:

Hey Zappa, any chance you could gives us a grim calc please? Really curious how you built this char.


I’d be just as happy with a progress report or a grim calc or something.