the death knight rips the game apart

Which can be balanced out with an abundance of variance in potential rolls for end-game MI items.

The philosophy behind GD is not that the overall game stays challenging forever. It’s that you build your character up, get super strong, and then move on TO ANOTHER CHARACTER BUILD IDEA.

The main flaw in this philosophy is forcing 3x content slog for each new character. That’s a very uninspired and out-dated idea.

Edit: Imho.

This is the exact reason I’m so hyped for FG. Crucible used to be a lot tougher, and then the nerfs happened. Overall a good thing, because more builds could run crucible, but the tier S builds had nowhere to shine anymore. A (pseudo) infinite gauntlet run is exactly what this game needed.

This has been something a LOT of us have been tossing around, for quite some time.

A rare, boss only item to grant level 50 with Ultimate access to a fresh toon would go a long way.

Sounds similar to TQAE’s Accomplished Hero idea which Zantai has already said they wouldn’t do. Plus you wouldn’t have the skill/attribute/devotion points to be viable for Ultimate unless such an item gave them as part of it’s stats.

Anyway, if you’re that desperate for such a character then cheat one with GDDefiler or I think you could use GDStash too.

Crate have some ideas for streamlining the game, but whether they’re going to be workable and incorporated into the game we just have to wait and see.

14th Septmber stream:

"Overbuilt_Gaming: Any update on the 3 difficulties in campaign? You mentioned a few dev streams ago you were going to suggest a way to the team to improve on it.

No headway on that yet, because there are other priorities that we are focussing on, mainly the Shattered Realm features. As I said I do have an idea for how we could streamline it a little bit, but that has to be reviewed by the programmer and see how doable it’s going to be. How many issues it’s going to create because our concerns are regarding skipping difficulties in regards to attribute and skills rewards from quests. And we can’t simply throw those away because certain characters have already done it and can’t give you more because those characters would then have more. And actually editing quests is also kind of a mess. If we change quests too much it creates an issue where quests can end up wiped from your quest log and then we have to come up with a way to restore them and it can be a mess. Which is why it’s complicated challenge."