The evolution of my FF builds

I decided to go through all my old saves and take a birds eye screenshot of the final state I reached on each build. It is interesting to see the evolution and adaption of new tricks and techniques as I grew to understand the game more and more. If anyone else feels like doing the same feel free to post your own process of evolution below.

Getting a hang of the basics.

More basic learning. Vanquisher difficulty from here on out.

First build through all tiers with all possible buildings and upgrades used. Basic game complete. Discovered illegally large farms before they were patched out.

Starting imposing arbitrary challenges to my builds. In this one there are no roads and no walls/gates. First exploration of the terrain tool, used to create artificial choke.

More serious terraforming, abandoned early as I realized towers couldn’t shoot through the ground.

Playing around with terraforming to flatten a mountain, lessons learned.

No walls, forts only. First map on a carefully selected Arid seed to start exploiting a defensive choke point. Discovered tree rings were sustainable. Pop cap of about ~500 introduced to help avoid the slideshow.

No bows, no meat. Test game to work out the strategy to beat the imposed restrictions.

No bows, no meat, again. Rolled seed for large areas of 90+ fertile ground for farms to test max output. Explored the trader by concentrating on producing a single good for export (beer), and then importing everything else from the profits. Ringed in first boar spawn, didn’t exploit it because no meat allowed.

Returned to an adjacent seed to the one used in my first natural choke point build. Proved the map would work, then 8.0 playtest released.

I have left out my latest build for now, which is the first one where everything has really come together to a degree I’m really proud about. I’ll post it when I’ve found a way to show it off in a sufficiently suitable manner.



Have you ever played any other citybuilders? Anty tips for FF begginers?


Nicely designed. So in sections where your homes are, what Decorations did you surround them with? Hard to see on the pic lol. I wanted to have a new design and I like yours.

Mostly t2 small gardens :sweat_smile: Their range 4 reaches through a house to also buff another row on the far side, so make the most of that in your design.

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Yeah I’ve played many, starting way back with the original settlers and sim city on an Amiga 500 as a tot.

Tips: When you’re learning build one of everything and play around to see how they work. The wiki has lots of good information to add to what you’ve worked out. Then just play around so long as it remains fun.

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this? lol ok. cheers mate

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And then urns… they are really good for boosting desirability later on.

Urns are range 3 but have a bigger boost. So in particular spots they’ll be good to replace the gardens.

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My first masterpiece. Wastelands biome, as hard as it gets. The only self-imposed restriction was no duplication of desirability bonuses. Mostly built as a test and showcase of all the awesome changes in the 8.0 patch.

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What’s the population?

480 pops living in 80 manors.

Neat, although the SE corner makes me think it’s a PCB…

It looks like twenty-six Wells, and four Markets?

A couple more wells dotted around. In the residential zones there are 6 wells and 1 market per 20 homes.

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OK a) this is really cool to see the changes and b), this is OT and perhaps a stupid question but… how the eff did you get a birds eye view like that?

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Cheers. The best camera mod is Better Camera and FOW at Farthest Frontier Nexus - Mods and Community