Feel free to share what web comics you enjoy!
Daughter of the Lilies - Fantasy/mercenaries/mysterious character
Bearmageddon - Bears killing humans/bears eating humans/manscout vs bears
Feel free to share what web comics you enjoy!
Daughter of the Lilies - Fantasy/mercenaries/mysterious character
Bearmageddon - Bears killing humans/bears eating humans/manscout vs bears
Thanks for sharing! Didn’t know such good reading existed!
Order of the Stick: if you like Dungeons and Dragons or snarky humor. Starts out as a joke-of-the-day comic but later actually has a pretty good plot. Deepest stick figure story you’ll ever see, probably.
The author doesn’t update much nowadays because of health issues, but there’s 1000+ strips to catch up to if you haven’t read it yet.
Phoenix requiem http://requiem.seraph-inn.com/viewcomic.php?page=1
Atomic Robo: Adventure, science fiction, humor. Callouts to all kinds of genres, from kaizu to Cthulhu.
Questionable Content: I love this series. Light science fiction, hilarious relationship stuff, and some of the best diversity and representation in a comic written by a straight white dude
And I just started this, so not sure about it yet. Weird horror fantasy and action. Kill Six Billion Demons
And of course Oglaf, but I don’t wanna link to porn.
Unsounded: A comic about a girl and her attack zombie. Awesome visuals, interesting story (parts of it are not for the faint of heart, however).
Schlock Mercenary: Space Opera. Comic has been running uninterupted for 18 years. Early art is a bit lackluster, but gets better as it progresses (always find it interesting to see how the artstyle of an artist evolves over time).
Gunnerkrigg Court: A world divided in “The Forest” and “The Court”. Same a above for the art.
Namesake: Interesting take on namesakes in stories like the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, etc.
Goblins: Fantasy set in a D&D campaign
Wilde Life: "Wilde Life is a supernatural adventure/horror series set in a small town in rural Oklahoma. It focuses on stories about creatures from Native American mythology as witnessed and documented by a journalist from Chicago, Illinois. "
Headless Bliss:
I could go on for a while, but I’ll leave it at those. Let me know if you want more.
Dresden Codak: transhumanism, philosophy and art deco cityscapes. Sadly updates extremely slowly but so good. One of his comics featured a Dark Kantian (yes, that Kant) a character that has an absolute imperative to do evil, no matter the consequences. I played KotoR 1 like that, which was hilarious, in the end everyone died. If you’re looking for a fresh new way to play a RPG, look no further.
Endtown: https://www.gocomics.com/endtown/
Erfworld: http://erfworld.com/
Gone With the Blastwave: http://www.blastwave-comic.com/
Endtown is basically furries in post-apoc land but it’s entertaining and well-drawn. Erfworld is about a wargaming grognard who gets sucked into an alternate universe where the game he was planning to run is real. GWtB is more post-apoc, updates extremely infrequently.
Oh elder things, I devoured that comic’s archive mostly last night, had to take a sleeping pill just to have any chance of sleeping. And that was at 4am NZ time.
Which is usually a sign that it’s a good webcomic/comic series etc when I get that glued to it.
LFG (Looking for Group)
Order of the Stick
I used to read my web comics daily. Don’t quite find the time the past few years though
Glad to hear that
@silverhand: Yeah, these days I use an rss reader and read all the posts in one go every weekend instead of every day.
Adding Tiger, Tiger to this thread: http://tigertigercomic.com/
It’s stupidly funny, enough to make me belly laugh, which given the current blah state I’m in takes a fair bit. It’s also looking pretty rainbow-flavoured, if you get what I mean, and the creator’s so far managed to mine the awkwardness that comes with that exceedingly well.
And speaking of rainbow-flavoured goodness, https://killsixbilliondemons.com/ is getting pretty damn rainbow-y. While https://www.cosmoknights.space is lesbians in space taking down the patriarchy, with bonus power-armour gladiator matches where a princess is the prize.
With Diablo IV coming, maybe we’ll a get continuation of Oskar Pannier’s HELL YEAH! comic: