⭐ The fastest cleaners in the World

Made a good 3:38 run with ya1’s fantastic build. Wanted to get some extrafast action before the patch myself.


Best way to kill ravager: throw shit at him :thinking:
Doesn’t look very HC friendly though :rofl:

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Retaliation Sentiel
35 seconds Ravager (0:07-0:42 in video)


47 seconds Callagadra (0:07-0:54)



Get rekt :wink:

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Ravager 29 seconds :scorv: 0:06-0:35

Sentinel of the Three Witchblade

I was experimenting a little with this buffed set, anyone got some idea how to improve kill time except farming better rolls in gd stash? This one fight was lucky, average times were 31-33 seconds. This devotion route seems okay, standard for physical retaliations going for damage.


Update. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrgxQ6N Retaliation Witchblade

Callagadra 31 seconds (0:09-0:40)

Ravager 25 seconds (0:05-0:30)


Zantai, eating his breakfast and reviewing “Classes, Skills and Builds”:

  • Right, what have we got today, 25 seconds Ravager, nothing special, 31 seconds Callagadra, yeah, what else… Wait, 4:50 super glass cannon with fantasy greens piloted by banana or Plasmo?? HOW DARE THEY?!

totes :ok_hand: :rofl:

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For a retaliation build should be quick too. But this thread is hall of fame for wacky records, this one’s licking the walls clean :smile:

But I think it will probably be nerfed.

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A Chinese guy started a thread with a similar build but warlord asking why tf isn’t this getting nerfed?

Nice record. What’s the Crucible times of to optimize it for it?

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Thanks! I don’t know about crucible but in theory it should be faster than warlord with same set and faster than old retaliation on fg release, these retaliation values are absurd. For crucible I would only get Arcane spark (even 2x) and ectoplasm (2x?) because it’s energy regen hungry. In it’s current form it has resistances covered with buffs, 4+3 should be better than 3+1.

Here is save if you want to try it, 150 wave is unlocked
_SentielRet (2).zip (2.0 MB)

Edit: I got an answer. I can place a bet you or any other good pilot who has experience with crucible can go sub5 with it. I did ~5:40 run (just first one for test) with not knowing patterns. So few seconds lost here and there becuase of wrong decisions. I’ve overkilled my energy regen too with 2x arcane sparks and ecoplasms. Probably 2x Outcast wrath in weapon/shield is better choice than essence of cthon because aetherials slowed me down. Without fantasy greens it should be okay too, medal change for Markovian stratagem and boots for Stonetreaders, won’t make big difference. Belt must be 60% conversion, rest doesn’t really matter.

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Fuck. 5:40 on a build that does nothing but get hit is absurdly OP. And that’s not in the hands of a cruci player. @mad_lee looks like we got outdone here :rofl:

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For some hardcore pilot I would even try to get rid of defense as much as possible to pass it only to proc Menhrir Will more often which add 1500 flat to physical retaliation :sweat_smile:

I’ll try it.

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I did 5:02 run with Outcast wrath, I will upload. I will expect Banana to do something like 4:30-4:40 at least with his great piloting skills

Watching Kuba, Kaisan and Moosie self-destruct in mere seconds is very satisfying. Very fast run for a retal build actually.

I think retal DE and retal Vines are still faster in Crucible. But they can’t kill Cala in under 40 seconds tho :rofl:

On the second thought, yeah, that build is faster. Probably slower only then pre-nerf phys retal BWC. Sick.

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Uhhh. You posted this before you saw @banana_peel post, did you?

I’m totally trying out 4pc sentinel on zucc tho. I’ll see if it’s worth dropping some RtA in favor of a shitton of raw retal. And if I can do it before nerfs come.

balanced :slightly_smiling_face:

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See? That’s how you get builds nerfed. You gotta SPECIFICALLY ask for Crucible times. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Here it 5:04 (not 5:02 as I thought) run

Sadly I was at ~4:30 at least wave last run but forgot about health potion and died.
Funny this build can probably go sub5 in crucible then jump into campaign and kill celestials under 30 seconds without changing anything.