The Flame Shocker - Elementalist

Updated for on my Profile Wall

The Flame Shocker - Elementalist

This has become my new favorite build, and I thought I would share it with you.
While Leveling I use Lightning Nova and BWC/High Potency. I switch over to Stun Jacks In act3/4 Elite.

Leveling Grim Calcs
Level 10
Level 20
Level 30
Level 40
Level 50
Level 60
Level 70
Level 80
Level 85 (This one shows Devotion and stat Points)

Standard and Elite side with Kymon’s Chosen then switch to Order of Death’s Vigil in Ultimate (Make sure you Max out KC rep before going to Ultimate)
Also if you plan on doing any crafting make sure to grab Angrim in Ultimate so you can get the % Bonus to Armor.

Take Green Crossroad
Max Hawk
Take Red Crossroad
Max Viper
Take Blue Cross Road
Max Behemoth
Max Scholar’s Light
Max Magi
Max Imp
Max Widow
Remove point from Blue Crossroad
Take Yellow Crossroad
Max Lion
Max Oklaine’s Lantern
Remove point from Green Crossroads
Remove all points from Scholar’s Light
Put 4 points in Targo the Builder
Put 3 points in Spider
put 2 points in Wraith

Devotion Binding
01: Arcane Bomb to Stun Jacks
02: Aetherfire to BWC
03: Fissure to Cannister Bomb
04: Giants Blood to Vindictive Flame

Legendary Gear
01: The Clairvoyant Set
02: Tome of Arcane Wastes
03: Golemborn Greaves
04: The Peerless Eye of Beronath
05: Mark of Divinity
06: Ulzuin’s Torment
07: Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm (+1 Stun Jacks if you can)
08: Rings (Anything with OA & Resists)

I Crafted Pants, Gloves, Clairvoyant Hat & Mark of Divinity (so they all have Angrim’s % bonus to Armor
And yes I did spam craft them to get the bonus :slight_smile:

01: Benn’Jahr
02: Valdaraan (Was very 1st time I fought him, got thrown off by the Greatness of His Teleports)
03: Thalonnis & Log
04: Shar’Zul
05: Mad Queen

Looks like you would greatly benefit form more DA, you are getting destroyed in melee and have to waste a lot of dps as a result since most of your stun jacks miss. Is there no alternative to Clairvoyant? Seems like Ulzuin’s hat would be a no-brainer for the -15 fire/lightning resistances. You can still get back +10 Jacks trough Spark of Ultos, no?

I can Face tank everything in the game except Shar’Zul and Nemesis Bosses (Shar’zul I can face tank until he enrages then he lights me up, and I run around like a little girl)
And if I am actually trying to farm Nemesis Bosses I can always respec my Devotion to the more defensive set-up. I rarely ever actually farm Tho. I have only fought Valdaraan once and Benn’Jarh 4 times total on 3 characters. And Valdaraan was by accident :slight_smile:
I’m sure other gear is interchangeable, I just really like having the +4 to all skills from Clairvoyant, Eye & Arcane Wastes. Makes for alot of extra skill points :slight_smile:

Please what should i do with stats? thanks!

Personally I went 45 Physique 42 Spirit,
Now that you get 3 more stat points I would go 48 Physique 42 Spirit

Really shocked at how much this build’s DPS was buffed. Gained nearly 3K DPS on Quik Jacks :slight_smile:
Updated Build and Included Mad Queen Video

Looks fun! Might be my next new build once I’m finished with my current. Always looking to find builds that are fun to play in addition to powerful.

The only in the man in the world with a true love of quick jacks :smiley:

Yeah I’m working on a Quik Jacks/TSS Sorcerer again now that both were buffed. Used to love that build back when the level cap was 50.

Not the only one. :cool:

Hi, i just wanted to know what components you are using? I can’t tell most of them by just looking at your equipment screenshot.

hi i play your stun jacks/bwc build and still need a lot of items…can u give me some? that would be awesome :slight_smile:

At work now but I will send you the character when I’m at home. The gear is somewhat outdated now. Need to get a lot more Defensive Ability to survive in

pretty sure I gave wrong link the other day was tired sorry

Updated the build on my Profile Wall

Here’s the new download link