The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

Ty, as always you remain one of my inspirations to climb SR :blush:

I recently managed to 3/4 SR170, but Reaper remains an impossibility sadly :frowning:



SR 170 Conquered! -

Now I can rest. I have pushed the build as far as both the character and my piloting skills allow me to. Given how many bosses and mutators are currently impossible to clear, 170 is the highest for me for now :blush:

SR170 took a total of 2 hours and 30 deaths, but when everything wants to 1 shot you, it was kind of to be expected :sweat_smile:


Hi Maya, amazing achievement, literally have no words about such a huge job you did climbing/delving SR that far. One question, any particular reason you did not one point Bloody pox for the -10% bleed RR from the shield?

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Ty :blush:

Regarding bloody pox, was mostly due to this being the “lazy” version of the build.

This contains the dps focused version with pox - Blood Rose - Budget Dark One Pet build (with superboss kills :3)

Hey Maya!

I have built your build 3 times already. First died on my way in the desert to Crate, second got killed by the big maggots. So I built it for the 3rd time because it was my all time favorite buildm but didn’t force to reach Crate in HC with it and changed the offhand to a fleshwarped bulwark to increase health regen here’s the 3rd character’s sheet
. Anyway the 3rd one died in a routine SR76 farming run (I cant explain how, I beat Inara then Valdaran just killed me in 1-2 second I couldnt even react because I wasnt in high alert mode) I was mad at first but I’m building it again and here comes my question. I see you reworked it quite a bit since. No bysmiel trinklets, different shield instead of the offhand and such. What do you think of using a fleshwarped bulwark with nice prefix and suffix instead of the Maw of the Damned (like a double rare immovable fleshwarped bulwark of immortality, a man can dream)?

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@Maya would also like to know this, especially with HC in mind

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First things first, welcome to the forums and sad to hear about the demise of your 3 chars :pensive:

Regarding the rework into Beastcaller Briarthorns instead of Bysmiel’s Trinkets and double Raven, that was mostly because Raven based builds aren’t doing as well in 1.2 and the Trinkets version ended up having neither the damage nor the tankiness, compared to previous patch.

Bleed damage based Beastcaller Briarthorn setups also allow more freedom in terms of item choices :3

Now, to answer both your questions, a Fleshwarped Bulwark with ideal prefixes would also work, yes.

The reason why I decided to go with Maw of the Damned is because you are then no longer reliant of affixes and Maw has Cooldown Reduction along with +1 to Occultist. You get guaranteed physical resistance as well and as a tradeoff for not having Health Regen bonuses, you instead get bonus to Healing.

Fleswarped Bulwark does offer more damage to pets, directly from the flat damage bonuses and indirectly from Slow Resistance it adds to Mogdrogen’s Pact (which apply to pets as well since Aura).

As for which one would be better, I’d say that Fleshwarped would have a slight advantage but it does not feel like that big of a difference in practice, atleast on this particular setup and you are still trading some bonuses for others, so it is not a straight up upgrade.

I also went with Maw so that I can boast about clearing SR 170 without relying on any affixes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the warm welcome and the wise words.
PS. Lovely build, thank you for sharing it!

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Since 1.2 I am no longer able to over level and feel op. I was able to over level, feel op, not worry about dying which allowed me to go for procs over survivability. Procs like elemental storm, blizzard, and whirlpool. Since I’m taking way more damage in 1.2 due to mobs scaling higher levels even in normal I feel like I should just skip these and go the fluffy squishy devotion path just so I’m not in constant fear of dying. (even with 80 all res I still feel weakish)

I never used turtle, dryad, huntress, ishtak or tree of life. Turtle is like fiendflesh greaves but activates under 50% health? Dryad is another heal like blood of dreeg? Huntress is just a bleed / -rr proc? Ishtak is a pet taunt with some absorption? Tree of life is another heal with some regen?

This is really going to be different than what i’m used to

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There is also this if you want the more familiar moggy route btw - Blood Rose - Budget Dark One Pet build (with superboss kills :3)

(Has endgame setup in there ^)
(Is essentially the DPS focused version of Fluffy with the major change being devotions)
(recommended leveling is same for both)

Im more than welcome to try running these devos that I haven’t used before. I switched to it right now (only have 20 points around level 40) im for sure tankier and i like it.

Did I get them summarized correctly in my previous post? I only looked at them quickly

I would check out blood rose but grimtools is down

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Ishtak also provides some flat damage and flat RR on the proc, but other than that, yup :blush:

For emergency cases when/if Grimtools is down - image

Uh, after few years of break i have returned to GD :smiley: First of all – Hi! Nice to be back here, and now, to the point:

  • Congratz Maya on your achievment!
  • I took your old build ( the fluffy squishy with fluffy yeti ) and just run as is with great success - i remember farming the birbs set, when the updated version came out, but with no luck, so i stayed with the version without birbs at that time
  • Now, i see that 2 briarthorns are a thing again :smiley: I don’t even bother with changing my devotions, all i had to do after all of these years when i was not playing – was to change 1 component and 2 augments so i can cap my poison resist :slight_smile: So build is solid as always :slight_smile:

And the question is – i can reliably and quickly enough farm SRs 65-67, haven’t checked further. Can someone tell me if it’s even worth doing higher SRs in terms of getting more legendary gear? Just running the mentioned above levels can give me around 10 purples and it takes me around 15 minutes.

What can i expect when i try to switch to recent version? Of course if i drop required gear :smiley:


PS. For referrence:

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Welcome back and ty :blush:

Yeah, birbs got nerfed while Briarthorn became :muscle: (even more than before).

Regarding SR, I would say 65-66 is fine if you don’t want to do 75-76. Not sure on the exact difference in terms of reward, but shouldn’t be that big of a difference.

For your current build, try to farm up a Fleshwarped Bulwark (sold by undead merchant in Port Valbury) and maybe a Salazar’s Sovereign Blade for weapon. The ones currently in your build underwent too many changes, making them no longer ideal.

I haven’t been in for five months.
Just today I adapted the character for the update.
Vitality damage. There was chaos.
I’m sharpening my character for killing deities, I haven’t tested it on shards or in the crucible, so I won’t say for large-scale murders, but

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First, thank you so much for the stunning amount of work you have put into these guides. The effort is just overwhelming, not just the hours of gameplay, but also the effort to share your knowledge with the rest of us, putting together the guides, answering questions, and so on. Thank you.

My first pass at a pet build was decent, I think. I settled on the Beastcaller’s set pretty quickly, for obvious reasons, but went with Bysmiel’s Trinkets initially, and the Mythical Silverbolt as my weapon (coupled with the Hell’s Bane Ammo and the Potent Bysmiel’s Control augment for the pet bonuses). I chose that weapon because I’m definitely not a melee fighter and I liked the +3 skills bonus.

It was a decent build, but it was lacking a bit, particularly the physical resistance, which was zero for both me and the pets. I went looking for more info to see what others had done, which is when I found your posts and realized what I was missing. Finding some of these items took a lot of hours of grinding in the Shattered Realm, but I finally put together the full set.

My own version of The Fluffy Squishy [tm] can be found at Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. The equipment is identical, but I sort of merged my original pet build with yours to come up with a variation that has fluffier pets (a bit better life, damage, and resistance bonuses), with a slightly less fluffy main character (1100 fewer hit points, slightly lower Defensive Ability, along with lower health and energy regeneration, albeit with better Poison & Acid resistance). Since I’m mostly standing on the sidelines while my pets take care of the fighting, I’m okay with this tradeoff.

For Constellations, I chose the following path:

Crossroads Purple
Shepherd’s Crook
Remove Crossroads Purple
Crossroads Yellow
Remove Crossroads Yellow
Sailor’s Guide
Staff of Rattosh
Tree of Life (5 of 6 stars)
Typhos (4 of 5 stars)

My initial Skills choices mostly matched yours, with some small differences here and there, with three exceptions. The first is that I put a fair amount of points into the Wind Devil skills and its related skills, Raging Tempest and Maelstrom. I did this for three reasons: the first is that it’s fire & forget, no aiming required; I can usually keep 2 or 3 going simultaneously; and I liked the weakening of the elemental resistance from the Raging Tempest skill.

The second difference is that I had completely missed the Devouring Swarm skill until I saw that you had chosen it. In further thought on this, I realized that this was a better choice for the resistance weakening, as it matched the primary weapon of this build, the Briarthorn pet, so I switched.

The third difference is that I had omitted the Wendigo Totem skill. Honestly, I’m still not completely sold on this one, as to get the full benefit of it, you and your foe both have to be in range. I’ve seen others that really like it, though, so I’m giving it a fair shot. If I find that it just doesn’t match my fighting style, there’s no shortage of other places to put those points.

There are times when I want the adrenaline and challenge of really tough battles, dancing around and fighting for my character’s life (which I can get with my Purifier build), but there are also times when I want the satisfaction of seeing a horde of monsters ripped to shreds and a big boss go down in minutes if not seconds whilst I drink a soda and cheer from the sidelines. The Fluffy Squishy [tm] build gives me that.

Thanks again for everything you have done to help people like me. Cheers!

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Welcome to the forums and glad to hear that you like the build :yum:

you have 4 extra points in Hellhound (30/16) that you can buy back and invest elsewhere btw :blush:

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Thanks, although there is an error there, as in the game, that’s actually 26/16, not 30/16. The Build Calculator got it wrong on the import.

That said, your point is a good one, as that number was chosen for my prior build, before I went Fluffy. My Hellhound was getting killed more often than the others, as I wasn’t able to use him in defensive mode, as I did my Familiar, and he wasn’t as strong as the Briarthorn, so I maxed him out. With the added protections now, you’re right that some restructuring is in order.

A pet peeve (pun intended), as long as I’m replying: the icons for the various pets are too bloody similar. When I lose a pet in the heat of battle, I usually have to pause the battle to figure out which one just disappeared.

The problem is that when the pets are in a tough battle, the background of the icons on screen keep changing color, showing a red background for all of them. This removes the primary differentiator between the icons. Instead of red, green, and yellow/brown backgrounds, I have nothing but red. And the creature pictures are all very similar, showing muzzles/beaks facing downward and to the left. It’s ridiculously confusing.

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On the Steam forum, I suggested/asked that the skill icons of those summons that did not summon the maximum possible number of creatures be highlighted.
But I don’t know if my idea was heard.

Thanks a lot for the explanations, did what you suggested, now back to the grind for more gear :slight_smile:

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