The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3


Yes, the title, I know…

Ever wanted something that you could play half asleep?
Ever wanted to kill the Gods themselves?
Ever wanted to conquer the crucible while having no idea what you are doing?

If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. This is one of the laziest, easiest builds in existence and you can do absolutely everything ingame with it, including killing Celestials or Farming the Crucible. It is also 100% Hardcore Viable.

Note: Requires both Ashes_of_Malmouth & Forgotten_Gods.

  • [Pet] [] (sr+) The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Briarthorn, Blood of Dreeg, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Curse of Frailty
    • Passive Skills: Bonds of Bysmiel, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Ardor, Presence of Might (x2)


Crate of Entertainment :
Took around 30 seconds.

Callagadra, The Scion of Sands :
Took around 2 minutes.

Mogdrogen :
Took around 2 minutes.

Ravager of Flesh :
Took around 2 minutes.

Shattered Realms 120 :
Pretty easy as long as you keep your distance from enemies and take things slowly.

Build Details –

Devotion Order:

  • Yellow > Dryad > Lotus > Red >

  • Blue > Sailor’s Guide > Remove Blue >

  • Lizard > Eel > Solemn Watcher >

  • Jackal > Staff of Rattosh > Remove Jackal >

  • Purple > Toad > Remove Purple > Hammer >

  • Typhos > Remove Hammer >

  • Rhowan’s Crown (3 points for Elemental Storm)

  • Ishtak > Tree of Life (4 points for Healing Rain)


  • Bysmiel’s Trinkets Set – 4 pieces

  • Bysmiel’s Mindweaver + Stormbringer of Malmouth

  • Mythical Beastcaller’s Cowl

  • Mantle of Mogdrogen

  • Mythical Fiendmaster Raiment

  • Mythical Wildshorn Legguards

  • Mythical Fiendflesh Greaves

  • Mythical Touch of the Everliving Grove

  • Mythical Voidmancer’s Cord

  • Mogdrogen’s Ardor


  • 2x Ravager’s Eye

  • 3x Osyr’s Guidance

  • 4x Mankind’s Vigil

  • 2x Coven Bloodied Ash

  • 1x Solarstorm Powder

  • Rune of Displacement


  • Seal of Ancestry

  • 2x Seal of Might

  • 2x Runebound Topaz

  • 2x Eldritch Mirror

  • 1x Sacred Plating

  • 1x Black Tallow

  • 4x Spellscorched Plating

(Click to Expand)

How to Level

Since the above build is an endgame build, use the information provided below for leveling.


Everything into Physique, except for when you need to invest into Cunning or Spirit to meet the required stats for equipping items.


There are primarily 2 ways to go. Either focus on Occultist first or Shaman first. I would suggest going with Occultist first since it is more closer to the final setup than Shaman regarding devotions and such.


We will be focusing on Hellhound, Familiar and Elemental Damage. Since we are going for a Conjurer, it is recommended that you put enough points in Shaman early on, to get a 16/16 Briarthorn before going back to focus on the Occultist Side.


  • Purple Crossroads > Shepherd’s Crook > Remove Purple

  • Green Crossroads > Raven > Rhowan’s Crown > Remove Green

  • Blue Crossroads > Eel > 4 points in Amatok (for Blizzard)

  • Yellow Crossroads > Tortoise > Remove Yellow

  • Sailor’s Guide > Crane > Panther > Solemn Watcher

  • Ishtak + 4 points in Tree of Life (for Healing Rain)


  • Lvl 10 – 16/16 Familiar, 1/16 Mend Flesh.

  • Lvl 20 – 16/16 Hellhound, 1/10 Curse of Frailty, 7/10 Vulnerability, 1/16 Blood of Dreeg, 1/12 Storm Spirit.

  • Lvl 30 – 5/10 Curse of Frailty, 10/10 Vulnerability, 1/12 Ember Claw, 16/16 Blood of Dreeg.

  • Lvl 40 – 12/12 Lightning Strike, 1/12 Aspect of the Guardian, 7/12 Bonds of Bysmiel.

  • Lvl 50 – 12/12 Manipulation, 1/12 Infernal Breath.

  • Lvl 60 – 12/12 Bonds of Bysmiel, 12/12 Possession.

  • Lvl 70 – 12/12 Storm Spirit, 12/12 Aspect of the Guardian.

  • Lvl 80 – 12/12 Ember Claw, 12/12 Infernal Breath.

  • Lvl 90 – 10/10 Curse of Frailty, 16/16 Mend Flesh.

  • Lvl 94 – Respec as needed, according to the build you are going for.

(Click to Expand)

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A Small Budget/Beginner Guide:

[>> The Carnival - A Guide to Pets <<]





How do you find 1 Familiar, 0 Primal Spirit compares to 0 Familiar, 1 Primal Spirit?

by 0 familiar I actually mean 1 point in the base skill plus whatever you like in Storm Spirit

Interms of clear speed, they both showed similar results. (The build I tried it with)

But since Familiar provides a steady source of DPS whereas P.spirit unloads its damage in burst (I have 30sec CD & 20sec duration), I prefer the Familiar here.

With a Bound Spirit or something, however the Murder Kitty should overtake the birb.

Ravager of Minds:
No potions/consumables used. Took about 9 mins. But pretty easy :smiley:

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How about making a pet build, where all the summons comes from skills granted by items? :wink:

Nice build, added to my thread. :wink:

This along with all the buffs on items etc you turning the game into guitar hero

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Challenge accepted.

Ok… pet build with item only pets? done :smiley:

The Crazy Fluffy:

I wanted to keep it green free and hence no Salazar’s. Also chose Dirge over Primal Instinct because I wanted the skeleton thing, for some reason…

Some changes due to FG.

Ty :smiley:

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Archive (Old Builds)

O) The Fluffy Dodo:

Took about 10 mins. No potions/consumables used.

Crucible 151-170, with 4 Blessings & Banner:
No potions/consumables used. Easy enough to do half-asleep :smiley:

Shattered Realms, 75-76:
No potions/consumables used. Pretty easy actually :smiley:

Crate of Entertainment:
Took about 2-3 mins. No potions/consumables used. Rather easy for a Superboss :smiley:

O) The Fluffy Maiden:

O) The Sand Fluffy:

O) The Veil Fluffy:

O) The Veil Fluffy II:

O) The Fluffy Hound:

O) The Frozen Fluffy:

O) The Sparky Fluffy:

O) The Flaming Fluffy:

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Next one HAS TO BE a pet build WITHOUT pets! :smiley:

Already done, unfortunately :cry:

Dracarris hybrid with the pets there to only provide the auras.

Or, you could always go for player scaled pets too :stuck_out_tongue:

Updated everything for FG :smiley:

Do you really think those rings + that weapon are the best?

Figured the 2 elemental rings + elemental dagger would be unless going a full theme like spark of ultos + 2 lightning rings or something along those terms.

That would mean no maxed Briarthorns though. But…

Elemental Fluffy:

You think maxed briar is better?

EDIT: max briar is probably better just wondering though

Maxed Briar comes with Azrakaa, which you can’t use in the Elemental version. And Shifting Sands seems pretty good.

The difference between them would probably be Defense vs Offense. With the Physical build being more sturdy with the Elemental doing more dmg.

And no need to bother with Wind Devils on the Physical versions, so less micromanagement :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you know where I can see shifting sands in game from one of the dev streams?