The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer - SR 170 version :3

so the main objective of wind devil is to lower the mobs resists? hrmm, that makes sense. I figured with the extra pet it would give the mobs something else to plug away at since right now recasting of pets is a consistent thing for me.

Do you mean that your pets keep dying?

unfortunately yes… to the bosses at least… trash mobs (anything under purple named mobs) its not an issue. but purple+ mobs yeah

I just got Forgotten gods when I came back to game, so i have to plug away at the faction rep. Ive been SR’ing it and havent stopped to smell the other side of the game yet, lol. Got to attached to the falling purple gear

Ah, well… one way to fix the problem of pets dying is to get Augments that give resistances to pets, like “Mender’s Powder” or items like Bysmiel’s Mindweaver.

Both of which require faction reputation to unlock :stuck_out_tongue:

grrrr. was afraid you’d say that… Fineeeeee, i’ll get away from purple land… I thought maybe the gear would drop rather than factioning up the purples… Didn’t dawn on me that it was faction “only”… grrr

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I saw one of the sets/items that there is a +1 summon to briarthorn, I know when i run dps meter it shows lightning damage out ranks physical by a bit (I assume that is summon familiar land), for tanky-ness whats your thoughts on going for the +1 briarthorn?

That is also fine.

Basically if you want to focus on Familiar = Full Bysmiel’s Trinkets set (2 Birbs)
If you want to focus on Briarthorn = Full Beastcaller Set (2 Briarthorns)

However do note that focusing on Briarthorn means you need to pay an even more attention to Pet resists since they have to melee bosses while Familiar can just shoot from range. Also Bleed dmg cannot be converted. Meaning you can only make the most of half of Briarthorn’s damage.

Can we not mix regular equipment with mythical for set bonuses? Have 3 mythical unholy covenant items and 1 regular and its not giving me 4 set bonus

Nope. That isn’t a set because they’re different.

doh, figured since they are “unholy covenant” it would link together, the set doesnt say mythical… okay, thank you :slight_smile: — oh i seeee… desecrator covenant

I have a low gear i’m 100 have u got a version of talents for newbies without gear?

Look for the budget conjurer from the guide linked on the 2nd post.

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Oh sorry,thanks

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I made the wrong reply and now I found where I should do it, sorry
I’ve done all Devotions except from Tree and Ishtak Constellations. I have 9\10 in Order and 16\20 in Primordial. What should I do? Truly I need to spend 1 point in Primordial in the first crossroad Constellation, so I’ll have 17\20 in Primordial

Put points as per what the build shows.

I freaking LOVE Heilung! Kudos for the share. I’m a primal pagan heathen goth faerie [hehe] and they speak to me so hard!

Hi @Maya I follow your guide and it’s awesome! this is my first lv 100 char thank you so much!
Right now I’m still farming SR 65/66 on normal, do you think SR 75/76 on elite are better?
Also just wondering if do you have a plan to update the build after the recent patch?

Try and see if you can do it on Elite. If you can farm it just as efficiently then it is indeed better :yum:

As for updates, need to replace Cataclysm’s Eye offhand with something suitable.

Build updated. Do not use Blood Rite btw, the off-hand is only for the stats it provides.