The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer - SR 170 version :3

All throughout leveling and farming for the best gear (like you just got to ultimate and were farming Conley/hive/sot maybe) primal spirit is the clutch for destroying bosses and hero mobs as fast as possible.

I dont do or plan to do crucible or sr as I thoroughly enjoy killing campaign bosses and farming routes. (Like diablo 2 magic finding) so at what point can you say ps isnt worth using because if I wasnt using him now things would be a lot slower. I feel like until you actually have all these items in the gt link ps and beastcallers is the way to go instead because he IS so powerful and you can transmute that set but not bysmiel.

Just my thoughts. Though guides generally don’t contain temporary skill plans and item alternatives for people who are starting new/fresh.

I’m not trying to argue or anything just adding to the discussion.

Look at the second post in the thread to see how I level Conjurers :stuck_out_tongue:

No Primal Spirit from start to end. And it is more than powerful enough to farm SR 75-76 on normal for items.

Also, for a build with Primal spirit & Bysmiel’s Trinkets, try this one [] Pet Conjurer - Birbs and Kitty, ez 96SR/Celestials/75-76 farmer

Don’t tell the CPPA (Cairn Pet Protection Association) about that strategy… :sunglasses: But I see why you chose the Doggo.

Did some comparison runs (SR 80-85) yesterday. Your build vs. maxed out Mend Flesh. For general use in SR, the damage bonus from the maxed out hound seems rather small, whereas the healing of maxed out Mend Flesh ist clearly noticeable. So that will be my choice for SR. Cally is probably a different story…

I agree with you, that Wendigo totem’s healing is better overall. But I’m too lazy for that extra button, too… :grinning:

Anyway - thanks for the constant updates of your builds!

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Yeah, Totem aside, Mend Flesh would work better than a maxed Doggo for SR. But going 90+ on this was purely an accident rather than planned :stuck_out_tongue:.

I had originally set out to reduce Cally times since my Bleed Conjurer does it in 12 mins but is kind of harder to play. So I wanted to bring Fluffy Squishy to a similar kill speed. Couldn’t do it with Mend Flesh since its healing on Pets wasn’t enough to keep them alive.


I love the changes to this build. It just hits my target preference. I like Mog’s ardor for the relic and even though primal spirit is a great skill I don’t ever use it because it’s another button. You create these builds and they fit my play style perfectly. I wiped all my characters with to start a fresh conjurer so I could knock out the celestial achievements following your build and you’ve improved it further! Really great stuff :+1::smiley:

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I don’t know if anyone has asked this yet or if you have already answered it. But Order of Death’s Vigil or Kymon’s Chosen or It doesn’t matter?

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Welcome to the forum!

Doesn’t matter. For roleplay reasons I went with Death’s Vigil - but personal preference… You want to stay friendly with Barrowholm for the weapon augment. Other than that - choose what you like.


Hello all,

I found that you can get at least +50% damage if you play this track in the background for this build:

Be careful as you might grow an accidental beard as well…

P.S. - dress your char like in the video and enjoy bird and wolf sounds (for your raven’s and hound ^_^)

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Can confirm :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was using the old build and upgrading to the new one yet despite triple checking, it appears I am 1 skill point short and can’t find where the extra point is missing. I stripped my guy of all his gear and still, I am one short.

Are you sure you don’t have a 27/16 Familiar with all the gear on? It won’t show up ingame, but will when you upload your char to Grimtools Calc.

Turns out I should have quadruple checked, found the missing point. Thanks!

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Ultimate SR 75-76, the highest that you can “farm”.

Thanks very much!

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Is 15/16 familiar correct for original point allocation?

No, you want to max it first while leveling. Then when you get all the necessary items, you remove points as needed to get it to 26/16

Today I was at the hardware store to get some cables… When my eye caught something:


Maya, I’ve followed a bunch of your builds so i’ve been a lurking fan for quite some time… I thought I would come in and ask a question finally cuz i’ve revived an older conjurer (just came back to the game tbh) and since I’m not a theorycrafter I am stumped. Why wind devil over primal spirit? I’ll link what my conjurer looks like thus far but i need to improve I believe, so i thought i would come in and ask for help. I’ve been smashing away at 65-66 SR’s and the RNG gods havent been very forthcoming, lol, but here it is:

edit: wow after actually looking at the the grimtools profile it pulled, it doesnt quite depict exactly how my character is. my resists cept slow/chaos are capped in normal game plus the briarthorn is showing overcapped when in game it shows 26.

Resistance reduction. The Fluffy Squishy is an Elemental Pet build where the Weapon (faction item from Bysmiel Cult) and Rings convert all physical damage and some of the Acid dmg from Blood of Dreeg into Elemental. So to do more damage, you need more resistance reduction.

The second node of Wind Devil provides that. Primal Spirit won’t do much good here.