The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer - SR 170 version :3

Remove Shepherd’s! Is this a first? :smile:

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Patch Fluffies no longer respond to calls by Shepherds :neutral_face:


So for example if I pick Tsunami devotion, would it scale off of pet?

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yes if you bind it to a pet


Thanks for your super fast response! XD


Any devotion proc bound to pet will scale off of pet :+1:

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So I haven’t touched this game in forever, figured I would come back and enjoy trying to build one of your pet builds again. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this. Would you still consider Fluffy to be your best one?

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I would give my Ishtar - Pet Ritualist a bit of extra points over Fluffy Squishy atm. But they are mostly competing neck and neck.

Does the remove sheperds effect on summon familiar?

Shepherd’s Crook devo no longer being present means that none of the pets get any benefit out of it anymore, including Familiars.

Note: It has nothing to do with the devotion itself and is not a bug or anything like that.

with, I simply went for a more defensive approach in devotions and items. So, no Shepherd’s Crook and the points go elsewhere, like Toad devotion for eg.

Essentially, trading damage for more tankiness.


Maybe a lame question. I want to try out your build to farm items for other character. Can fluffies farm lokarr in ultimate?
Thank you.

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Are all pet resistances 80 in game? @Maya

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Apologies for the late reply, but yes, pretty much all of my builds can farm Lokarr since the boss is rather easy for Pet builds :blush:

Everything except Vitality should be. You get Pierce Res from Oak Skin and Acid Res from Blood of Dreeg. Also Familiar and Briarthorn Aura for overcap on Elemental + Bleed Res.



I’ve edited the devotion tree a little. – more hp regen, less pet crit – even more hp regen, bit less armor

Is there anything inherently broken about my changes that I’ll face in end-game?

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I am personally not a fan of Korvaak devotion as in my opinion it doesn’t give enough for a Tier 3 devotion, but if want to go for it, should be fine.

However, you have 1 unnecessary Blue point in the crossroads. Can use it to complete Korvaak and get the proc :stuck_out_tongue:


Can also go for Empyrion. But do note that the proc generates quite a but if aggro and you need to be in melee range to benefit from it. So its usefulness diminishes against the likes of Callagadra, Crate etc.


Thank you for this post; I have been following the ‘guide’ closer than a Catholic follows the Bible.

My question:
At level 83 I have 54/55 Devotion.
Your guide for devotion indicates “Tree” (of Life) which requires 7 yellow and 20 blue.
I have 15 blue.

current devotions:
3 points Rhowan’s Crown
Jackal, Lion, Eel, Typhos, Staff, Stag, Ishtak.3 in Kraken because I dont have the 20 blue for Tree.

What did I do “wrong”?

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the humble student thanks the Master.

the befuddled student asks:
with the 55th point filling SAILOR’S GUIDE, how can I fill the Tree, or put even a single point in, if the devotion points stop at 55?

this humble student edits his earlier reply.

One point in RED Crossroads already exists Master.
The 3 points of JACKAL removed and SAILOR’s Guide is completed.
2 points have been added to TREE with 54/55 devotion points.
The one remaining devotion point is not enough to complete TREE (having 4 spots left. The last dev point leaves 3 unspoken for).

Humble student asks: Is this meant to be an incomplete TREE?

with forgiveness, he also asks what SKILL do you have tied to ISHTAK’s last point?
uneducated student has assigned BLOOD OF DREG.

Humble student also inquires to where/how to farm the appropriate Mythical and Bysmiel gear mentioned in the Masters’ most excellent guide.

unworthy student is aware that the gear is level 94 and thus must strive forward 11 more levels before their eyes can even glimpse of their magnificence.

with the Master’s most worthy guide - student has the following:
Curse of Frailty 16/16
Blood of Dreeg 16/16
Summon Familiar 20/16
Summon hellhound 16/16
Bond of Bysmiel 1/12 (yes, given by the level 94 item but where else is student to put extra/future points?)
SHAMAN 50/50
Mondrogen’s Pact 15/12
Wind Devil 19/16
Summon Briarthorn 23/16
Primal Bond 15/12

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