The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

Like Zantai said, “an indestructible vitality build” :laughing:. Or rather Vitality/Bleeding hybrid, to be precise.

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Some slight changes to make the build more rounded - Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

By chance will you be doing an update for community Season 6?

This is the first build I played to 100 on HC, np, and plan to be running it for S6 :smiley:

Hm… I haven’t really ben following league, so not sure what would be the best for it.
The link in the OP works fine for live version of non modded GD, so shouldn’t be too bad for league I suppose.

Currently have a plan to update for once the playtest patch becomes live, but to my knowledge that won’t affect league, so it shouldn’t really matter.

I am still not able to farm the veilpiecer and heart of the sand king. What will be the best replacement for these 2 equipments?

This build is going to undergo major changes once the patch that is currently in testing, goes live.

Easy replacement options would be Salazar’s blade and Zaria’s amulet for the time being.

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Thank you for your suggestion. I will try that out.

Fingercross for the updated guide.

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SoonTM :blush:

(waiting for the patch to release since things are in a state of constant flux atm)

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Build updated to 1.2.1 :blush:

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There’s a vendor in Bastion of Chaos who sells those rings, and usually has 3-5 in their inventory.

It’s the sanest way to farm them if you’re serious about farming them. Also, farming greens sanely otherwise requires either Vire’s Might or Shadow Strike + movement runes to run past everything. Or else it takes ages to get to the boss that drops the MI :upside_down_face:

SR 120 Done :triumph:


wow, your build has completed changed from Vitality-based to lightning-based. However, I still have not defeated Mogdrogen yet. Are there any gear that can subsitute Mantle of Mogdrogen?

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It doesn’t matter anymore. I am able to use my Conjurer to slain Mogdrogen and got his mantle :smile:

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Sorry for the late reply (was away on business), first of all congratulations on the kill.

Now, since someone else might find this helpful, Mogdrogen’s shoulder is not really necessary for the build to work, so anything with pet bonuses will do just fine. It is just that moggy shoulders add a ton of dps to the setup, so it happens to be best in slot :slight_smile:

yup, Mogdrogen’s sunder cloud is really dangerous and hard to spot. I have difficulties to defeat him with a melee charater.

Having summon to tank is much more safe. Though I still need to re-summon them when they die and need to kite Mogdrogen. It is a bit safer with my Conjurer.

Thank you for your great build and guide :smile:

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Hi Maya, can you play this build without having the four Bysmial trinket set? I haven’t played for a while but I believe, I have only two pieces of the set

You can, but it will be a lot weaker in terms of performance since the set is core of the build :neutral_face:

thank you, Maya, for your quick response, yeah that’s what I thought but I actually found a build guide of yours without the set :slight_smile:

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Hello Maya,

Is it possible for you to link your final build maybe with the “build details” and “how to level”?
I am still playing on a client for my conjurer build and since the update vastly changed how pet builds are played and you have since updated the build to I am trying to first finish the version of this build.

Thank you

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The setup - Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Also, welcome to the forums :blush:

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