The game restarts the computer, please help

Hello. After installing the latest patch, there was a problem with rebooting the computer without a bsod or any other errors.
This starts to happen especially often at 400+ settlers, approximately every 10 minutes.
I updated all possible drivers, cleaned the PC, including the power supply, but this did not help.
The rest of the games work as usual, without causing any crashes, even if they load the system much more.

My PC specifications: AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Radeon RX 590 sapphire, 32 gb ram, chieftec 850w.

I created a thread with a discussion in the Steam community (The game restarts the computer, please help :: Farthest Frontier General Discussions ), but unfortunately they couldn’t help me there and advised me to contact them directly here.

I really like the game, I bought it almost immediately after it went into early access and never encountered such problems until the latest patch :frowning:

In general, software of any kind cannot cause your PC to restart on its own. Such an event is most likely indicative of a hardware problem that is being exacerbated by a demanding program such as Farthest Frontier, which can tax your CPU, GPU, and RAM, and in turn cause the power draw of your PSU to rise.

I actually had a similar problem a long time ago, and ultimately narrowed it down to my PSU being the issue (it was not 80+ Certified and the last time I bought a PSU that wasn’t). Essentially, my system would hit infrequent spikes in power draw (incidentally this happened very consistently when I was running a game and livestreaming for our players), which caused it to exceed the capabilities of the faulty PSU. After replacing the PSU, my issue went away completely.

I’m not saying that the PSU is for sure the problem in your case, but a game update will unfortunately not be the fix for you. If not Frontier, then another game in the future could trigger the same scenario.

Sorry we can’t provide more positive news.

Thanks for the answer.
It still seems very strange to me that this problem occurs only in one game, and even the AIDA64 stress test does not cause it. And other city building strategies do not cause it either. And that it appeared precisely after the last patch :thinking:

It is very sad that nothing can be done.

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