The greatest of the Cortosian Arcanists, Panetti

Something tells me that the Cortosian Arcanists was the local comic releaf.

Yes I’m aware and perfectly fine that Panetti is handmade to be “useless” against Ravager and Callagadra. There are S-tier build and Z-tier build in every arpg game, Panetti is closer to the later.

My issue is the MI support for this lesser build.

Grobble stone effigy is so rare that quite a few players will never see i drop even if they do Tyrant’s hold on normal - elite - ultimate difficulty. Early game you want that “-10% skill energy cost to panetti’s” but running Tyrant’s Hold 3-5 times on normal feels bad. 0.57% droprate from yellow mobs :worried:finding a Grobble stone effigy of the sands is so unlikely that it might never exist.

Slathsarr’s crest 100% drop - YAY. Convertion from elemental to aether :face_with_raised_eyebrow:on a skill that has quite a bit of + % elemental damage but no +% aether damage. Also from a boss inside a skeleton key dungeon that new players rarely run or survives.

Wendigo eye - drops 5-10 times as often as stone effigy. As a Panetti player since 2017 I always look out for these since 1.1.7 and still so rare that I can run normal/ultimate without one single drop. Farming one that has 1 rare elemental prefix or suffix is painful.

Elemental MI :thinking:Bargol’s Hearth? No inate Panetti support but it’s a weapon that has a chance to roll Incanter’s / of the Sands and got % elemental damage so - kinda :roll_eyes:

Played the game for ~600 hours before I found Mythical Spellgaze, ~800 hours before replicating wand dropped and around 1000 hours before I got the full mythical Invoker.

A bit better odds for getting supporting gear would be welcome.

Would x% weapon attack make the skill OP? Forcewave is also a spell and get’s up to 370% inate weapon damage. Right now al flat damage is completely useless on Panetti and I have no idea how long it took me to understand that. Explaining to redditers or new players in twitch chat that IEE is not good and Fabric of Reality is really only usable if you get Slathsarr’s is not uncommon.

I know that HC Panetti will never become a Ravager or Callagadra killer and it’s by design. This is something I do playing Warder by holding down right mousebutton while watching GD stream on other monitor, afk retaliate warlord while eating dinner (yes, did that) or summoning some pets and watch football match on the TV. Slightly irritating that “all” other builds get buffed to a standard that Panetti will never reach in the first place.

So what’s the best autoattackCaster in Grim Dawn: Forcewave soldier :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Didn’t read all here, but:
Item skill modifiers, that convert damage will indeed convert %damage as well, tested it myself. (as opposed to global conversions)

also worth to note the % dmg direct on a skill is still merely just additive, so converted or not, usually in the end the gain/loss is relatively minimal combined

main issue Panetti has relating to conversion is the impact of secondary effect or lack of conversion mechanic for secondary effects, which means a build still needs to sport global conversion if wanting a benefit for “it all”

:thinking:Learing something new every day.

That’s interesting. Do you know if it also converts %damage from global sources or only from the skill itself?

just the skill itself
and only when the skill’s % isn’t a regular buff but direct skill boost only

IMO kind of a very complex theme, this one.
So for clarification (for me and other readers): This means it would not apply to … “Skill within skills”. Like - the ones I know - Nightfall, Soulfire, Proliferation.

unsure what you mean
since that comment was about %boosters not secondary effects
secondary effects i’d agree is rather specialized, but re skill boosters/direct % dmg i think it’s relatively simple, and for % only it would be to distinguish it between whether it’s a buff type from secondary effects (deadly momentum, lethal assault, soul harvest), or direct skill mod. And since buff type will always appear in sheet page 2 with regular global % that should make it extra simple to tell apart.

I mean:
Item Skill Modifiers that convert damage, will do so also with %-damage on skill nodes, but not on secondary-effect-nodes, like proliferation, etc.
That right, I guess?

yes, but those are also different, and it’s the way they are different/why one is a converted and the other isn’t
it’s why i’m saying that stuff like soulfire not being converted i can understand is complicated/a silly mechanic, but direct skill booster % is still the skill itself, and part of the order of operations mentioning skill mods