The greatest Trolling builds

Holy chance to block/block recovery… Damn! Absolution is a relic i do not have the blueprint for :frowning:

Looks awesome, but no fevered rage takes the winds out of my sails lol. I just love making all the enemies on screen do the ratchet

@sir_spanksalot You win this one dude, claim the glory!
@Knife Remember, if you use either of these, you will not do enough damage to complete cruci so just end your session once you’ve had your fun

Thank YOU guys! Im just glad I’m not alone in this! Always inspiring to be a part of this community doing weird stuff!

@MikeHeydon needs to get in on this!

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Dude. I’ll freaking GDstash up the spec for you, PM it to you if you promise you’ll record videos of this and share it with me

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Uhhh…Hello? Prime youtube channel material, this is.


What we need to figure out next, is how to talk to these players using voice chat.


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The sheer evilness in this thread…

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I can say from experience, the chasing power is important. In the interest of recording videos, it can be difficult to capture the torment on screen if you cant keep them in the center picture

Get a mobility augment. Wouldn’t double movement skills be enough?

LOL OH MY GOD, THIS IS GENIUS! I can just be like “Hey you guys ever use this voice chat thing”?

lol we need to come up with a line…

You twisted fuck, you’ve done this before haven’t you.

I love it. <3

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You need at least 2 that dont require a target for optimum control of the picture, which is where @PlagueMirth has a good idea

haha. Well, I have tried lol.

I also learned a lot about timing and capturing decent screenshots from my classless build posts

I dunno what I’d call this guy, but the ISIS ghol build will be named “Osama been Blightin’”


LOL thats priceless man hahaha!

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So…I’ll GDstash it up for you this weekend, try to get some videos? I’d love to watch them. No pressure though. :slight_smile:

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I will do my best, all weekend Ill scour for crucible games with jerks in em. The trouble is this is very dependent upon jerks actually being in a crucible match.

You dont have to GD stash anything man, I will record videos for pure pleasure without any other motive than to entertain all of us here.

Going to go look around for some right now as well!