The Immortal Haruspex – a tribute to Titan Quest Immortal Throne

The Immortal Haruspex – a tribute to Titan Quest Immortal Throne
Hello guys,
A few days ago I was thinking about the days I was playing TQIM and since DAIL gives us the opportunity to use the TQIM masteries , I decided to play my old favourite build , the Haruspex.
For those of you who didn’t play TQIM, the Haruspex is a combination between Dream and Hunting masteries.
There are different ways to play the Haruspex , but as a melee guy, I only like to play as a spear and shield combo , relying on piercing/physical dmg

So, let’s dive in.
After creating the toon, the first mastery you want to pick up is Dream. This is because of the AoE abilities that you get early on in this mastery that will help clear mobs faster and the aura that will increase your survivability.
The first abilities you have to take and max are Distortion wave ( AoE ) and Psionic Touch. In lower levels PT still sucks as bad as it did in TQIM , I mean 3 charge levels?. On the other hand it does very high dmg and later on it will become a very effective spam attack ( mine has the tooltip dmg over 70k). Psionic Touch has a modifier called Psionic Burn wich makes it and AoE so put some points in this one too.
Until lvl 35-ish you should use a two handed weapon , it helps clear mobs much faster than spear/shield combo.
Later , you will take out the points from Distortion Wave and max Distort Reality. This one is a very effective AoE /CC ability on normal difficulty without any points in the modifier Temporal Rift.
Then you will max Phantom strike and Trance of Convalescence. ToC is very good for the survivability of your too providing dmg absorption, lifesteal and health regen. Then you max Phantom Strikes modifier-Dream Stealer. Then start spending some points in the Premonition tree.
Stay away from the Hunting mastery until lvl 40-ish. Once you are around lvl 40 start droping points in Hunting, I recommend putting 1-2 points in Herbal Remedy first , to have a heal/dmg absorb skill on bar. Then, spend points between Study Prey ( u will link Falcon Swoop to it ) and Art of the Hunt. Also, I recommend maxing Find Cover and spending some points in Wood Lore and Trail Blazing and Flush Out.
Max your Hunting mastery and max Flayer skill, it is just awesome. By this time you use a spear and the buff is insane.
I put some points in Gouge and Volley although I don’t know how good they are with Psionic Touch , maybe it would be better to just max Psionioc Burn instead. But I needed a proc for my Assasin’s Mark so I took Gouge and put one point in Volley.
Spear Tempest is much weaker than Phantom Strike so I did not bother with it.
Bestial Howl can scare mobs away so I didn’t use that either.
Starting with Elite, Distort reality is no longer that good as dmg so you should take the point out and use them elsewhere.

Tortoise –full
Assassin’s Blade-full – link Assasin Mark to gouge
Eel –full
Falcon –full – link Falcon Swoop to Study Prey, it will proc like crazy !
Empty Throne –full
Harpy –full
Panther -full
Oleron – full – link Blind Fury to Psionic Touch – procs are very often.
Unknown soldier – 4 or 5 points
Assassin – 5 points – link Blades of wrath to Phantom Strike
I spent 3 points in Ghoul – for lifesteal and some points in Shieldmaiden for shield bonuses.
As and endgame build, I’d say it has good AoE dmg, decent ST damage and very good survivability and is the build I like the most from all the builds I have played in Grim Dawn.

Without gear:
Dream :

With gear
Hunting :


Will try to post a boss run video compilation, if it will ever pass the 95% processed on youtube…

Finally video processed :slight_smile:
Gearing and boss run :

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